Example sentences of "[pron] she have [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 c I think I she 'd seen me at my worst on Friday
2 He would look up from his newspaper after supper to find her eyes fixed on him , in a way which brought back to him the passion with which she had kissed him upon the moor .
3 And yet she had no doubts that , in spite of his youth , he was exactly who she had supposed him to be .
4 Need to know what she 's said — who she 's said it to .
5 ‘ No , she said not , and although I think that virtually everything she has told us about herself is a pack of lies I do n't think she 's lying about that . ’
6 Her heart beat crazily within her as she recalled that the last time she 'd seen him she had hit him with all her might — and from the look of fury on his face he was not easily going to forgive her !
7 But as for what she had exchanged it for — that still seemed more like fantasy than waking reality .
8 ‘ I did not ask her what she had taken it for .
9 He was watching Charles closely , as if afraid that he would not be believed , when he came to describe the meeting with Maureen O'Duffy and what she had told them during the drive down the mountain .
10 She complained bitterly about her husband being so confused and his always forgetting what she had told him without having any insight into her own ability to confuse him and other people .
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