Example sentences of "[pron] she be [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I she was throwing it around Christmas Eve though were n't she ?
2 In a survey of London 's trades in 1747 , the wages of milliners were said to be " poor and mean " : " Though a young woman can work neatly in all manner of Needle Work , yet she can not earn more than Five or Six Shillings [ 25-30p ] a week , out of which she is to find herself in board and lodging . "
3 When I turned to close the door behind me she was watching me with a faint smile .
4 In fact , as I saw them she was saying something to Gharr , making him smile .
5 Of course , she may be seeing you to tell you she 's suing you for slander . ’
6 Barbara Newington from Connecticut remembered shaking hands effusively with Reagan at the beginning and end of her audience , and each of them saying thank you to the other ; but precisely what she was thanking him for , and what he was thanking her for , neither said .
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