Example sentences of "[pron] she [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
2 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
3 Another correspondent asked for cheap tracts which she could distribute to the poor as the middle class were already knowledgeable .
4 She should try to forget him , but the memory of their afternoon together had the power to make her cheeks rosy , and so they stayed while she put on the plainest gown which she could find in the wardrobe which she had left behind , with her personal maid , when she had pretended to go with the Parslows .
5 Under the trust route the widow will be left the £1M of non-qualifying assets and will use them to " buy " ( by way of exchange ) the qualifying assets ( which she must hold for the requisite two years ( before death ) ) .
6 Where had the long silences gone , Molly wondered , into which she used to retreat in the company of her parents ?
7 Her dream is to make a movie musical , a multi-million celluloid spectacle , in which she can prove to the world that her three year apprenticeship is over .
8 Auntie Lou said she could sew a piece of material on the bottom to lengthen the skirt but there was nothing she could do about the top and Carrie cried a little , privately , not because the dress was no use but because her mother should have guessed how much she had grown .
9 There seemed nothing she could do about the deeply dismaying , sick feelings of nervous excitement whenever she was anywhere near his tall , rangy figure .
10 Since there had been clearly nothing she could do about the situation , Laura had been forced to buckle down and do what she could to keep the twins happy .
11 There was one girl called Clara whom she used to meet in the lower corridor an hour before classes began : they had long discussions about Tolstoy , Maeterlinck and Ibsen , and were suspected of immorality .
12 The roars and cheers of the crowd covered any sound she made and , like a wraith , she made for the stairs , sweating even in the bleak February cold at the thought of who she might meet in the unknown upstairs .
13 Now there was once a Queen , who might have been thought to have everything she could desire in the world , but had set her heart on a strange silent bird a traveller had told of , which lived in the snowy mountains , nested only once , raised its gold and silver chick , sang once only , and then faded like snow in the lowlands .
14 But perhaps , by telling him of it she might break through the shell of quiet self-sufficiency and recollection that had kept her at bay since his return from Student Cross .
15 Lisa was very happy in Lourdes she loved the little spring inside of the Grotto , as soon as she saw it she could cling onto the railings and keep saying ‘ hello , hello ’ .
16 Sociable Dorothy , although only seventeen years old , managed to infuse some sort of order into Isobel 's shattered life , hoping that soon Isobel would decide what she would do in the future , so that she herself could go back home to Wales , which , from the vantage point of Tollemarche , seemed infinitely cosy and desirable .
17 As Creggan and Kraal continued to tell their dearest memories , night began to fall and Minch began to plan out what she would do in the limited time she felt she had left to her .
18 ‘ I 'm here to see Her Grace , ’ explained Joan , having rehearsed what she would say during the two-mile walk from Briar Cottage .
19 She decided to remain where she was until she could be sure of what she would find outside the closed front door .
20 Mind you , I 'm not saying as that 's what she 'll get for the asking , and I 'm not saying there 's not many a man as 'll hand over his pay-packet unopened , but there 's enough of the other sort to give us a bit of a breather Thursdays . ’
21 I felt very nervous about what she might do during the ceremony !
22 I felt she had n't been thinking about Charlie at all — except as an inspiration — but that , like me , she 'd been dwelling on what she might do in the world .
23 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
24 She was working for his charity for a third of what she could earn in the City , he enthused .
25 Joanne began to focus on what she could see as the positive aspects of the new approach , and while she did not specifically identify them as such , they were related to the process objectives within the scheme of work .
26 What she 'd do to the unions , dole scroungers , the unemployed ?
27 to see what she should do about the Lenten appeal
28 At the beginning of Lent , Miss White approached me to see what she should do about the appeal
29 She stared bleakly at the damask cloth she had traced her fingers over as if it might hold the answer to what she should do with the rest of her life after tonight .
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