Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have imagined it a thousand times and it was not like this .
2 I have christened her the Blessed Dawg and her large brown eyes are filled with sorrowful compassion , her wrinkled forehead , which was bequeathed by her bloodhound ancestors , is the very epitome of worried concern .
3 I have asked no one else , I have given you the first opportunity of owning these things . ’
4 As with last month 's design , I have given you the basic ‘ building block ’ and suggestions , in the illustrations , on how it can be used .
5 The reason I have given it the temporary title referred to above is because I have witnessed at least two name exchanges at the station in recent months .
6 I have called it an unorthodox theory because few adhere to it .
7 ‘ Sir , I have made you an honourable proposal for the hand of your daughter , whom I am in a position to support now and , later , in increased comfort — ’
8 A S THIS campaign rumbles on I long for John Major to stand up either on his soapbox ( which is really a box for transporting Central Office typewriters but no matter ) or on one of the Conservative Party 's all-singing , all-dancing stage sets , and say : ‘ I have brought you a dramatic drop in the rate of inflation .
9 As the Tory pamphleteer of the Exclusion Crisis , John Nalson , had advised his readers : " If you think , and find I have told you a plain Truth … inform the Ignorant , confront the Impudent , satisfie the Doubtful and Staggering , and unite the Loyal " .
10 ‘ Because Father is a tired old man I have spared him a hundred times , and tolerated things which are little short of intolerable .
11 You have spun me a whole tissue of lies , of course , ’ Vologsky said finally .
12 You have given me a whole month of misery .
13 ‘ Although you have assured us the massive cut in income will not now occur , the fear among our members is any compromise will result in an inevitable fall in the standard of care we can offer to patients in the future .
14 This is a memo to Caroline at Aiden Mouth Good evening Caroline , can I refer you to Aiden Mouth , invoice number A four hundred which is linked to invoice number one , nine , O , seven , six , paragraph invoice where total is one , sorry , seventeen thousand , one hundred and six kilos , of which Aran A R A N contributes twelve thousand , eight hundred and ninety two kilos , which is seventy five point three seven percent of the total weight , stop , in your invoice number A four hundred you have charged us the full charges , whereas we are only liable for seventy five point three seven percent of the New Zealand to U K charges , dash , am I not correct , question mark .
15 The anticipated sense of loss can be so strong and the wish to feel you have done everything the dying person wanted so real that the people involved will often comply no matter how outrageous the request .
16 Once you have decided what the extra staffing and other requirements are in respect of the two conferences , you can work out how much it is going to cost to accommodate them .
17 Double-check you have got everything the right way round so that the artwork is not back to front , then close up the UV light box and switch on .
18 The patient 's memory can be retrained through simple exercises such as question-and-answer sessions after you have read him a short passage from a book or newspaper .
19 We have sent him a loyal birthday telegram in exile , ’ he said .
20 The more fully we have developed ourselves the more cause for such gratitude we will have , and the more we understand the cosmos , particularly by grasping the true nature of detailed parts of it and their place in the total scheme , the more we will appreciate the sheer wonderfulness of it , and arrive at a kind of mystical adoration of it .
21 We have seen her a few times since she has become well known .
22 We have looked upon it almost as convertible with thought , of which we have called it the very stuff and process .
23 Addressing the Institute of Housing in 1989 , the Junior Minister of Housing said of housing associations : ‘ We have given them a vital job to do .
24 We have allowed ourselves a little licence with the sauce , ’ Angelina explained .
25 To achieve this vision for the ES , we have set ourselves the following key aims for our organisation :
26 To achieve this vision for the ES , we have set ourselves the following key aims for our organisation :
27 Rather than elevating the rights of the fetus to the exclusion of all the other factors , we have set ourselves the primary task of helping other women who face the dilemma of unwanted childbearing .
28 All this is programmatic until we have shown what the crucial sceptical argument is .
29 We have shown him a better way of making the savings he requires next year , and we will be happy to work with him — and with the consumer groups — to find ways of improving the value obtained for the money spent on legal aid in the future .
30 After Fox 's most successful three-day launch , the best ever non-summer debut , Mr Sherak said : ‘ We have doubled what the first movie earned two years ago .
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