Example sentences of "[pron] have [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I shall also attempt with Dorothy Heathcote , as I have with the other pioneers , to point to innovations or assumptions which are implicit in her work and which she herself may not have articulated .
2 ‘ I feel better about the market now than I have for a long time , ’ he said .
3 Captain America 's main man EUGENE KELLY got in touch to tell us the latest development , namely the withdrawing of the sleeve , and added : ‘ I have for a long time been a devoted customer of C&A and will only wear socks and pants with the C&A label .
4 I have for a long time had on file one respected artist 's offer to arrange an exhibition of a hundred of his works , and then to hand them straight over as a gift to the Russian Cultural Foundation .
5 I have for a long time been suspicious of the doctrine of gradualism in politics and the foibles of the Foreign Office , which uses the double-speak of diplomacy , as I saw in the Anglo-Irish diktat and now smell in Maastricht .
6 ‘ I saw Everton more times in the last few months of last season than I have for a long time . ’
7 So erm I 'm looking forward to this season much more than I have for a long time , so I ca n't wait , wherever I end up , we 'll have to see , but erm I 'm looking forward to it anyway .
8 The unusual job I have for a few weeks is to collect unpublished or limited circulation material for whizzkid computer boffins in Oxford to tag and analyse on computers .
9 Well there seems to be a slight mismatch there , and perhaps some of this mismatch is also a part of , with the confusion I have of the various shifting policy of York , in term in terms of their requirement , there has been in the in the not too recent recent past York were saying they had an additional requirement beyond need which they termed their concealed requirement , although it might not be a concealed dwellings , as we might otherwise describe them , of one thousand six hundred , and that has progressively come down to seven hundred as presented at this enquiry .
10 These Golf tickets came in 1st and 2nd class as well , the example I have of the 1st class issue is No. 10 , hardly worth printing .
11 Perhaps the most lasting memory I have of the past year is a conversation with a small nine year old boy in Liberia in West Africa in August .
12 I have at the same time suggested that Benjamin 's own aesthetics were very much a postmodernist aesthetics .
13 ‘ Better than I have in a long time . ’
14 I have in the last couple of lectures erm outlined or tried to outline erm Locke 's basic decision erm his concept of how we as individuals are related to nature , to each other and I 've emphasised the crucial importance of this notion of how we are related to God .
15 This is not meant to be a criticism of the many carp bait firms which have for a long time sold baits which catch carp .
16 We now have fifteen men who have past the medical exam and the board of trade eyesight test and are now fully enrolled lifeboat crew .
17 Third , Special Branch of the Metropolitan Police who have about the same job as Security but are more up-front , more visible .
18 ( 3 ) After the expiration of that period those shares which are declined or deemed to be declined shall be offered in the proportion aforesaid to the persons who have within the said period accepted all the shares offered to them .
19 ( 3 ) After the expiration of that period those shares which are declined or deemed to be declined shall be offered in the proportion aforesaid to the persons who have within the said period accepted all the shares offered to them .
20 With a tripod you lose the freedom of camera mobility which you have with a hand-held camera , and if you decide to dispense with a tripod , a position at 3 m ( 10 ft ) or so from the subjects will allow you to work the zoom from wide angle down to midrange for close-ups .
21 ‘ I can see already what a fine relationship you have with the other boys .
22 So you have on the one hand , handouts to the rich on the other hand , money taken from the poor .
23 Any comments you have on the general amenity of cottage would be useful .
24 ‘ Now is your opportunity to put to me any questions you have on the detailed implications for the people of the World of the Council 's decisions . ’
25 If you have a low income and no more than £8,000 savings , you may qualify for Income Support , which is paid weekly and tops up any Income you have to a level set by the Government .
26 You have until the next rest day .
27 The form is all you have in the initial stages , and if you do n't erm fill it out sensibly then you do n't get as far as the interview , when of course your individual personality can start to come through .
28 Will others choose to keep up a continuous presence in covering Yugoslavia in the way that we have over the past year ?
29 I suspect that those of us who continue our work as Members of Parliament after the next general election will find our surgeries just as busy with people complaining about the council tax and its anomalies as we have during the past year as a result of the poll tax .
30 It 's the most convincing evidence we have of an alien invasion of this planet , and a matter of public record .
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