Example sentences of "[pron] which [is] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " The demand for things in general , " according to Professor McCloskey , " is income itself which is determined by the resources and technology supplied to the nation . "
2 However , the German attitude to Europe is something which is determined by a massive historical heritage , and it is only by investigating this that both the motives and dangers can be truly grasped .
3 In other words , within a non-Marxist framework the ability of a company which possesses a monopoly to exploit its monopoly is something which is determined by the evidence and not as in Marxism by the way in which value is de fined .
4 Something which is liked by the first person you show it to is likely to appeal to many more people .
5 Much the same thing can be said of the to infinitive denoting something which is actualized as a consequence of causation ( cause , force , occasion , get , order , tell ) , assistance ( help ) , discovery ( find ) , daring , etc .
6 Tobacco is not a food or drink but it is something which is taken into the body through the mouth ( and nose ) .
7 It 's not something which is introduced for the first time in nineteen forty eight but , but there is erm sort of another round of it erm and sort of the new dimension is that the , everybody 's name is published because until then you , you did n't er you did n't know who the Party members were .
8 That is , they make crystal clear something which is implied in The German Ideology , that the history of mankind is governed by the same processes in all times , and that the main one of these processes is class conflict .
9 The perfect infinitive thus presents an event — a result phase — not as something which is itself directly perceived but rather as something which is inferred from a comparison of what is directly observed — the present state of the doctor — with what was observed at some earlier moment .
10 For the latter , use either you own favourite pattern , or else the one which is given in the book .
11 The third meaning of this word ‘ love ’ is the one which is applied to the intense physical attraction between the sexes , known as falling in love , and which can be described as an intensification and beautification of the mating urge .
12 One way of providing an integrated service , and one which is advocated by the National Association of Inspectors and Advisers ( expressed in the NAIEA evidence to the Select Committee ) is to develop combined centres , which offer education and day care .
13 A set of conditions of the given kind , one which is followed by the effect if the usual background obtains , is called by some philosophers a sufficient condition for the effect .
14 In the light of the preceding discussion , however , I wish to suggest an alternative classification : one which is based on the intentions — albeit not necessarily conscious — that adults might have in modifying their speech in particular ways when talking to children .
15 There is one defect that will not affect the chargee and that is one which is caused by the Registrar 's officials , happily a rare event .
16 Now it is clear that we do sometimes have alternative ways of determining guilt and innocence to our own satisfaction and it therefore makes sense to think of a fair trial as a trial designed to produce the correct verdict where correctness is assessable by some other objective standards , but in many cases this is not so and in practice the correct verdict is simply the one which is reached after a fair trial .
17 The extent to which the service actually delivered to the client is the same as the one which is stated in the service plans , care plans , and outcome measures is known as ‘ programme fidelity ’ .
18 Thus , not only is the housewife role specifically a feminine role , it is also women 's major occupational role today : the responsibility for running a home is one which is shared by the majority of all adult women .
19 An entry point is a package through which a module may be entered into LIFESPAN i.e. one which is owned by the specified user and has an active DC referencing the module .
20 The technology of the organisation : an important school of thought best known through the works of Eric Trist and Joan Woodward suggests that the most efficient structure of an organisation will be one which is suited to the technological conditions of the work ( ie the equipment , methods of working , the nature of automation etc ) .
21 For most mothers , the experience of poverty is one which is structured by the need to protect the health as well as financial security of the family .
22 The leader appears to have a special aura , or power ( mana ) , around him which is compared to the power of the hypnotist over the subject , or the power of the analyst in the transference situation in analysis .
23 The trouble , as with CD-ROM , is that even if the storage is compatible , software on it which is written for the Macintosh , or Windows , or the Acorn Archimedes , or Apple 's forthcoming Newton , or Sony 's Data Discman , will make no sense to the other machines .
24 Thus , in Fig 7.6.3 when the short word lie is retrieved from the buffer , so is the short word your which is subsumed by the preceding long word Europe .
25 Because section 13 is an implied condition anything which is regarded by the court as part of the contract description automatically becomes ‘ of the essence ’ and , if it is not complied with , automatically gives the buyer a right to reject the goods for breach of condition .
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