Example sentences of "[pron] had been given [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
2 I had been given a week 's leave and so I hurried to Hastings as I felt sure that would be my last leave for some time .
3 I had been given a week in Sydney before sailing for New Zealand .
4 But if I had been given the chance when I was younger I might easily have made a mistake and gone for good looks and he might have turned out to be Old Nick to live with .
5 Upstairs the old house seemed to be on a multitude of different levels , with steps up and down , unexpected recesses and windows , all of which had been given a character of their own , by a carefully chosen ornament or floral arrangement .
6 The meeting concluded with the unanimous approval of a resolution strongly condemning the policy of forced expulsions — the policy which had been given the name " ethnic cleansing " ( " etnicko ciscenje ) .
7 By the end of the year , Mrs Thatcher was in the chair of a new cabinet committee , Misc. 141 , which had been given the task of preparing for the fast-approaching day when limits would be set on greenhouse gas emissions .
8 The Scottish Development Agency ( SDA ) , which had been given the task of co-ordinating the various bodies involved , was not over enthusiastic about the project ( Morison , 1987 ) .
9 Nevertheless , it was the French Communist Party which had been given the task of encouraging communism in Vietnam ; and , it appears , where necessary , correcting its faults .
10 Then she kissed Auntie Lou on the cheek and said , ‘ Thank you , oh I do thank you , ’ and Auntie Lou smiled and blushed as if she had been given a present .
11 She had been given a chance of survival .
12 She had been given a telephone number in France : Cassis 08.79.30 , Les Roches Blanches , a hotel .
13 After all , she had been given a brain to think with while these patriots were being force-fed The Thoughts of Spiro Agnew , The World According to William F. Buckley and Killing Commies for God and Country .
14 She had been given a programme credit for making dresses several years before .
15 Compelled , absolved , she had been given no choice .
16 And erm not only er do I think that er she 'll probably be reasonably good with , with finals I 'm absolutely sure that her course reports from , you know , all the places where she 's been will be better than most of the other candidates , you know , because she brings home these , the these reports , you know , and she says it looks alright , you know , beginning of the course Nurse is lacking in this or has not got that or is not , you know , you think mm pretty the end of the course Nurse got the hang of , is very good , has done this , has done that , has supported this and you think mm pretty , well that 's lovely you know but she did n't have the experience during the whatever , she had been given the experience and the end of it brilliant
17 She resisted all temptations to give in to homesickness : she had been given the choice between staying at home and starting a new life , and having chosen the latter she was determined to enjoy every waking minute to the full .
18 Mrs Grandison chose ham and salad , thinking sadly of the splendid sirloin , for she had decided that it would have been that if she had been given the choice .
19 He got half-way down the corridor and realized in irritation that he had no idea where she had been given an office .
20 Nuala positively glowed , and for a few moments she looked like a child who had been given a present .
21 I have had difficult cases , like the woman who had been given a Caesarean operation : giving birth after that kind of operation is very delicate , but it turned out all right .
22 In Malette v. Shulman , 67 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 321 a Canadian court upheld an award of $20,000 to a patient who had been given a blood transfusion in order to save her life but against her known wishes .
23 Our neighbour , who had been given a key to check on our house while we had been away , had thoughtfully lit a fire to welcome us home .
24 David , who had been given a piece of her mind , returned sadly to a state of detumescence and made do with David Attenborough who at least was living vicariously .
25 The young man who had peered over the rampart to see this extraordinary collection of scarecrows was known to more than one of the garrison of Krishnapur , for he was none other than that Lieutenant Stapleton who had danced so often with Louise in Calcutta the previous cold season and who had been given a lock of blonde curls as a keepsake ; he had made a point of wearing this lock of hair next to the rather wispy blond hair that grew on his own chest .
26 After six months Miloš made a ceremonial entry into Belgrade to parley with the newly appointed Turkish governor , Marasli , who had been given a mandate by the sultan to make concessions in order to pacify the Serbs .
27 As they approached the village , Mungo felt a little like a prisoner who had been given a taste of freedom .
28 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
29 It was in his camp here that he was approached by a French envoy on behalf of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria , the same Maximilian who had been given the Palatine Electorate in 1623 , with a view to saving his lands from the depredations of Gustavus .
30 For Lindsay Weir , who had been given the nickname of ‘ Dad ’ since his Mt Albert Grammar schooldays , and for Jack Kerr it was their first trip away with the New Zealand team .
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