Example sentences of "[pron] had [verb] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I had eaten the first course of cabbage , and the second of meat pudding , potato and carrots , I poured cold water into my used billycan and put it on the lighted stove .
2 This could also be entitled Stop Press , for it occurred after I had sent the first draft to the Hon.
3 Er on appointment , like other recruits , I had to serve the first month on night duty .
4 I had taken the first step when an elderly man touched my shoulder and asked in the lilting , Spanish-accented French of the region , if I wished to view the church .
5 Blisters which had formed the first time now burst , weeping clear fluid onto the burner which hissed like an angry snake .
6 However , apart from these demonstrations and an outbreak of panic buying in the last days of March , the public response to the second stage of price liberalization was muted , in marked contrast to the street protests which had greeted the first state in November 1990 [ see p. 37866 ] .
7 The poll , which had provided the first opportunity for the union 's 1,600,000 membership to elect directly its national officers , had been organized as part of a settlement agreement to a huge civil racketeering suit brought against the Teamsters by the Justice Department [ see also pp. 37954-55 ] .
8 COMPARED to Wednesday 's winter blizzards , which had reduced the first day to 27 instead of 36 holes , the conditions for the Peter McEvoy Trophy at Copt Heath yesterday were wonderful — icy winds and leaden skies with just the occasional hint of a watery sun .
9 She had fulfilled the first part of the scenario .
10 The walk there took only about ten minutes and she thought that even with the frightening weakness in her legs that she had discovered the first time she got out of bed she ought to manage that distance .
11 She was n't scared , not even when she was half-way up the path , dark yews all around her , and heard the sound she had heard the first time .
12 She was wearing the coat with all the buttons and buckles that she had worn the first time I saw her outside Kaama 's flat .
13 ‘ Ay , ’ rejoined Mrs Beattie , realising she had lost the first round , ‘ I was just on my wey up to see Thomasina . ’
14 When she told Hawk of her dream , he told her she had reached the First Level .
15 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
16 She worked steadily on , until she had finished the first coat .
17 She had entered the first forest .
18 She had learned when she had held the first costume up against her , that her mother had been small , hardly , it seemed , an inch or two taller than Ellie was now .
19 There was a request to Council to investigate the position of those who had completed the first module but were not registered and whether they should be allowed to attend the Keele Conference .
20 For next the stewards decided that only those drivers who had completed the first lap would be allowed to re-start .
21 This thwe-thauk , or blood drinking , sealed eternal comradeship and they all assumed titles signifying their compact : Aung San became Bo Teza ( Fire General ) , Thakin Shu Maung , a former postal employee , became Bo Ne Win ( Sun of Glory General ) , Hla Pe , who had assisted the first escape , was Bo Let Ya ( Right Hand General ) , while Aung San 's first fellow-traveller , Hla Myaing , was Bo Yan Aung .
22 Symptoms developed four weeks after treatment for eczema had been started by the same hakim who had treated the first patient .
23 England made a decent 217 , with 68 from Boycott and 59 from Gower ; but after Greenidge and Haynes had got half-way to the target , Richards , who had missed the first match , played as only he can .
24 The second final place was contested between Alex A — who had played the first round a player short — and Mason 's packing house .
25 The energetic soldiers who had survived the first war were in active command , but there was a great residue of staff officers from the first war who did not fight , who determined the spirit of the administration .
26 For in 1920 , when Binyon began work towards his version of the Inferno , he exchanged letters with Hewlett , who had translated the first canto years before , and now urged Binyon to shorten his measure to tetrameters , pointing out that this was what he himself had done in his ‘ Song of the Plough ’ , a long poem in terza rima in which he had invested a great deal .
27 Among the Triangle Project 's guests was Lady Sainsbury , who had opened the first phase of Triangle — the day care centre for the elderly — Mr. Portman , representing the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers , who had donated £32,000 in the project through the Robert Geffery Trust and Alton Town Mayor , Mrs. Jacqueling Martin .
28 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
29 The calm , thoughtful way she acknowledged them and talked them through with me made me feel that we had taken the first step towards friendship .
30 However , by the time we had spotted the first speck through our high-powered binoculars , the vulture was already descending .
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