Example sentences of "[pron] at [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ shouted someone at the other end of the hut , as a boot bounced off the door just as the Sergeant made his exit .
2 Bob 's phone rang , and while he was talking Dyson , who was sitting back in his chair and waiting for someone at the other end of the line , covered up the mouthpiece of his phone and said , ‘ Are you coming to the funeral , Tess ? ’
3 Did he not go and shoot someone at the clay-pigeon shooting in Ardallt two months ago !
4 He 's amusing himself at a dull time of year , and being here without his womenfolk , but he 's as adroit at calming the storm as he is at raising it .
5 Towards the end of the third hour , a little man at the back of the great hall , a faithful apparatchik from the area of the Caspian Sea , was unable to contain himself at the unanticipated exposition of the enormities of Stalin .
6 One instant he had been in mid-spring , forelegs extended and jaws agape , aiming himself at the crouching man-thing before them , the next , the target had moved with blurring speed , rising swiftly to meet him head-on .
7 The Careys were also in attendance : Lady Carey glowered whilst her husband busied himself at the far end of the room , totally ignoring our existence .
8 Jeremy settles Kate on a rattan sofa with a whisky , flicks on the stereo and then sits down himself at the other end of the sofa , making sure that she notices his careful maintenance of physical space between them .
9 McLeish smiled to himself at the swift fall from grace in the postscript .
10 Indeed this is the heart of Hilton 's argument for the validity of mixed life for the aspiring contemplative , for he says that this very desire , the burning coal which has to be thus nourished by a positive attitude to the demands of both active and contemplative life , is in fact God himself at the very ground of our being .
11 At 32 Rue St Honoré , they met with Raymond Eddi , a distinguished Lebanese parliamentarian in exile , and Marcel Boutros , Aoun 's personal envoy , who invited Coleman to meet the general himself at the presidential palace in Baabda .
12 Stop me if you 've heard this , but one of those gunsels opened up on somebody at the rear entrance of the Regal Arms Hotel . ’
13 It was one of those events which at a crucial stage in one 's development arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one 's ability and beyond , so that thereafter one has new standards by which to judge oneself .
14 The Patriotic People 's Front ( PPF ) , the umbrella grouping which had comprised the HSWP and other parties represented in the government before liberalization measures were introduced , decided to dissolve itself at a national conference in May 1990 following the poor election result .
15 A star can therefore maintain itself at a constant radius by a balance between the attraction of gravity and the repulsion that arises from the exclusion principle , just as earlier in its life gravity was balanced by the heat .
16 The BCP-affiliated Dimitrov Young Communist League dissolved itself at an extraordinary congress on Feb. 24-25 , and an independent Bulgarian Democratic Youth Social Organization was constituted in its place .
17 But it also happens that in the organization of recorded knowledge for retrieval the profession of librarianship finds itself at an interesting point of crisis .
18 ( op. at. : 6 ) Art sessions took place in the Art Room itself at the far end of the school , and Drama work happened in the hall .
19 South of Barrowgate Road there existed a few houses fronting Sutton Court Road ; some Almshouses on the southern side of Sutton Lane , with the fish pond behind them ; Sutton Court itself at the bottom end of Sutton Court Road , where Sutton Lane turned south — that part of Sutton Lane later became Fauconberg Road — with the Lawn Tennis Grounds on the southern side and Chiswick Park Farm occupying the whole area of land to the east of Sutton Court Road , and the continuing Sutton Lane — which later formed the southern part of Sutton Court Road — curving round to meet the bottom end of Burlington Lane , on the southern boundary of Chiswick House Gardens .
20 IBM also finds itself at the wrong end of several historical trends .
21 He had gagged for hours following the ordeal , convinced that one of the dog 's hairs had lodged itself at the very back of his throat where his fingers were unable to reach .
22 Doubts about a rapid economic up-turn had been expressed by US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady , who at a parallel meeting of G-7 finance ministers indicated that economic growth in the US was expected to slow in the second quarter of 1992 although longer-term prospects were more hopeful .
23 Even though your school may not have the most modern and well equipped building set in extensive playing fields serving a prosperous suburb this need not put you at a great disadvantage in marketing the school .
24 Everybody has them and something must be holding you at a given height above the ground ! ’
25 We hope to see you at the grand final in London .
26 ‘ I 'll meet you at the National Gallery at ten o'clock . ’
27 I see now we 've got lots to do this morning , you 're going to need to ignore what 's going on behind me , ah , it 's not happening , right , as I said to you at the very beginning of September I 'm the star , so you pay attention to me .
28 If you are interested in fine eighteenth-century furniture , in hooked rugs or in quilting , in mushroom arm-chairs or in Duncan Phyfe , in Shakers or in the West , in cracker barrels or in ‘ Borning Rooms ’ , you will find something to interest you at the American Museum in Britain .
29 ‘ Hi , Dodgy Windows Inc here , we 've got this great special offer just for you at the reduced rate of only …
30 We would arrange to be something at a particular time in the evening and then the following day we would compare our thoughts .
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