Example sentences of "[pron] are [adv] [noun pl] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During this final stage they appear as ants , which are really fairies in disguise .
2 Another reason may be that some of the management team who are already shareholders in Target , or other vendor shareholders , will wish to exchange their Target shares for Newco shares without triggering a disposal for capital gains tax purposes ( see ss135 , 137 and 138 TCGA 1992 ) .
3 There are even ones in pencil stuck to the leaves of plants .
4 There are also differences in pronunciation of sounds and words . ’
5 Moseley ( 1979b ) suggests a few alternatives : these should be borne in mind when access to services is discussed in chapter 8 , because there are also innovations in service type and provision aimed at improving accessibility .
6 There are also relaxations in relation to small industrial premises .
7 Furthermore , not only does Hilton imply that he is implementing his treatment of the subject in Scale 1 at the beginning of Scale 2 , there are also points in Scale 1 where he anticipates a development of his subject beyond that relevant for his immediate recipient .
8 The most obvious growth has been in consultancies in child abuse — especially sexual abuse — but there are also consultancies in psychotherapy , stress management and group work .
9 Similarly , if one compares blacks and whites within any age-group , there are still differences in vulnerability to unemployment .
10 There are certainly divergences in prosperity apparent between the different regions of the country , with the South East clearly the dominant region , both in terms of its size and economic performance .
11 There are certainly virtues in regularity , but the ‘ weekly session ’ procedure is not necessarily the best way to proceed .
12 The range of products described earlier exists for valid and necessary reasons although there are often similarities in formulation between different products .
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