Example sentences of "[pron] are [adj] [to-vb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Regulation is an option , but creates additional problems of its own , which are unlikely to commend it to the authorities except in exceptional circumstances ( e.g. as part of a privatization programme involving natural monopolies ) .
2 ‘ This is all I shall have to remember him by — you are cruel to treat it with such levity . ’
3 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
4 There is no harm in adding , say , 5% to that price as long as you are prepared to reduce it by that amount in negotiation .
5 Please confirm that you are able to make it to my personal assistant .
6 Should you still feel dissatisfied you may personally bring your grievance to the notice of Personnel Management Division or you are free to raise it with your staff association or trade union who may take action on your behalf .
7 It is not fair to have a dog if you are unable to take it for walks — even a small lap dog .
8 Everything that happens to you has been chosen by your spirit so there must be a reason , even If you are unable to see it at the time .
9 ‘ If you want a power-sharing executive , you are likely to blow it with the council , I said .
10 A number of nurseries are offering it now , and you are likely to find it on the plant stalls of plantsmen 's gardens open to the public .
11 A completely brittle material like glass is reasonably safe as long as we are content to operate it at a very low stress level , for instance as a shop window , because the Griffith crack length is then quite long and so the material is safe against minor chips and abrasions .
12 ‘ The Railway Bill is prepared and we are ready to introduce it into the Commons , ’ he said .
13 But because , in terms of our Christian moral code , this is a shameful matter we are inclined to push it to one side and to assume that kinship is the equivalent of " blood relationship " which implies , or should imply , biological connection .
14 It is important to remember that the linguistic utterances of others are just as much externally observed behaviour as walking down stairs or pressing a button in a psychophysics laboratory although , because of the high information content of linguistic behaviour , we are prone to endow it with some mystical quality which opens a special window on to the mind of the person generating it .
15 They are content to leave it to the building society , or they rely on their own judgement .
16 They are desperate to furnish it in time for their Easter service .
17 But if and when a bid comes they are likelier to use it as a stimulus to change or otherwise discipline the incumbent management rather than selling out .
18 But we have found that with support , especially in information technology and communication , they are able to complete it with success . ’
19 This decision must not be left to the magistrates to make as they are likely to base it upon pragmatic considerations only .
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