Example sentences of "[pron] are [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The plot of ‘ Great Expectations ’ is a very concentrated one , where everything and everyone are linked in the same plot .
2 The grass and reeds around me are flattened under the sudden , overnight fall of snow .
3 This applies especially to the life of the more affluent , most of whom are concentrated in the advanced societies .
4 In some cases , certainly , it is the result of a free choice on the part of individuals , most of whom are concentrated in the higher social classes where financial security , other than through earned income , is common .
5 Two novels of the 1720s point the contrast in public attitudes to the American colonies of the two countries in an odd way : the Abbé Prévost 's Manon Lescaut and Daniel Defoe 's Moll Flanders are about prostitutes , both of whom are transported to the new world , but Manon dies from exposure in the arms of her faithful des Grieux after walking six miles from New Orleans , while Moll Flanders settles down with her fifth husband to reckon her net worth in cash and tobacco before returning from Virginia to London .
6 The hypotheses , formed after his observations , are many ; but most of them are related to the empirical findings of a long tradition and the world is spared a too individualistic interpretation of some of Nature 's more self-willed manifestations .
7 Lying behind my summary evaluations of these theories is the conviction that most of them are fixated around the unhelpful idea that hegemon states exploit other states .
8 ‘ Well , I 'll tell ye — nine hundred and ninety-nine of them are glued to the Holy Writ of Economic Theory ; the remaining one , which ought to be fixed on Ireland , is blind . ’
9 Ways of using them are discussed in the next three chapters .
10 It is for the security force commanders to ensure that all the resources available to them are used with the maximum effectiveness .
11 ‘ What sometimes appear to be new strategies decentralisation , management by objectives , consultative supervision , ‘ democratic ’ leadership are usually but old wine in new bottles , because the procedures derived to implement them are derived from the same inadequate assumptions about human nature …
12 This should not suggest that my wife and I are cut from the American kind of Anglophilic chintz that may of you like to poke fun at .
13 + is used to join the notation of two subjects which are commonly associated with one another , but which are separated by the normal sequence in UDC .
14 A distinction is made between temporary versions of an entry , which will have a short life-span in the Working-Set , and permanent versions of an entry which are transferred to the Main Database .
15 This is an important concession and reads as follows : B18 Payments out of a discretionary trust : entitlement to relief from UK tax under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts or of a double taxation agreement If a payment made by trustees falls to be treated as a net amount in accordance with TA 1988 s.687(2) and the income arising under the trust includes income in respect of which the beneficiary would , if such income came to him directly instead of through trustees , be entitled to relief under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts , eg TA 1988 , s.278 ( claims for personal reliefs by non-residents ) ; TA 1988 s.47 ( claims for exemption from tax on certain UK Government securities held by persons not ordinarily resident in the UK ) ; TA 1988 ss.48 , 123 ( claims for exemption from UK tax on income from overseas securities by persons not resident in the UK ) ; or under the terms of a double taxation agreement , such relief will be granted to the beneficiary on a claim made by him to the extent that the payment is of income which arose to the trustees not earlier than in the year 1973 – 74 and not earlier than six years before the end of the year of assessment in which the payment was made , provided that the trustees have submitted for each year trust returns which are supported by the relevant income tax certificates and which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries .
16 They are unaffected by the weight attendant to luxurious living quarters which are built to the highest standards .
17 Works which are built within the contextual frame of governmental , corporate , educational and religious institutions run the risk of being read as tokens of those institutions .
18 2.1.2 " Building documents " means the plans drawings specifications and other documents relating to the Works which are listed in the third Schedule The tenant should have sight of these as soon as possible to ensure that they are in accordance with its understanding of what has been agreed .
19 Cocaine is traded openly in the favelas , which are ruled by the semi-fascist authorities of drug dealers .
20 They 've just taken delivery of a whole load of high quality datarec 's , which are retailing at the standard price of just £29.99 .
21 We shall postpone until Chapter 3 the task of setting out the full array of intensional patterns which are expressed in the syntactic structures involving English adjectives .
22 There is a set of genes involved in patterning the embryo , the homeobox genes ( Chapter 7 ) , which are expressed in the developing limb buds in just the Way that would suggest that they may encode positional information .
23 Alternative splicing of the messenger RNA generates an array of putative membrane-attached , intracellular and secreted signalling proteins , at least some of which are expressed in the developing spinal cord and brain .
24 The simplest adequate interpretation of the evidence suggests that a driving circadian oscillator in the optic lobe is coupled electrically to the leg muscles via the protocerebrum , nerve cord connectives and thoracic ganglia , the whole system being modulated by sensory inputs which are integrated with the circadian oscillator output in the corpora pedunculata .
25 The most prominent orienting devices remain the symbolically defined frames of reference of social roles , which are integrated by the constant process of the individual 's or the group 's construction of his own identity in the context of the world as he or they know it .
26 The Landsat satellites , which are operated by the American Eosat company , have an orbital altitude of 705 km and their sensors have a narrower field of view which covers the area within 92.5 km of their suborbital tracks .
27 Some are originals from the 2 million documents dating back to the early 1600s which are stored in the Hydrographic Office , and some are sophisticated copies made from the originals used 50 years ago .
28 In the psychoanalytic school , there is the notion of the ‘ component instincts ’ which are unified in the complex process of acculturation , though the issue is complicated by a transhistorical concept of the Oedipus complex which , it is argued , is basic to all culture , or in Juliet Mitchell 's version , patriarchal culture .
29 The ‘ collegiate ’ quality of the three-level dwellings which are sited in the topmost section of the nave and which are reached via integral winding staircases is particularly delightful .
30 A number of other error messages , which are related to the internal workings of LIFESPAN RDBI , may also be reported .
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