Example sentences of "[pron] for the [adj] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The arts will have a higher profile in the fourth Conservative term , with David Mellor heading a much enlarged department ( which for the first time is allocated a place in the Cabinet ) , flanked by one junior Minister , Robert Key .
2 During a five-hour address on the opening day , which for the first time was not broadcast live , Castro painted a bleak picture of an economy critically dependent on trade with the Soviet Union .
3 The USSR had acquired substantial assets in the Third World , which for the first time were threatened by a combination of internal rebellion and external pressure .
4 But seeing him for the first time was like when you buy a new make of car you never noticed that kind before , then you realise they 're all over the place .
5 He told the rector at Boston that this was a person of unusual spiritual powers ; that how to train him for the whole Church was a responsibility ; that he was anxious that these abilities should not be confined to academic spheres .
6 ‘ Meeting her for the first time was nerve-racking to say the least , ’ says one insider at BSkyB .
7 Another part in the book that I did n't understand until I had read it for the second time was a bit right at the every end .
8 The next issue of Leads is scheduled for January 1990 and the copy deadline for you to submit information to us for the back page is 15 December 1989 .
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