Example sentences of "[pron] was [vb pp] [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 I was tempted by fantasies of the past ,
2 As the son and grandson of miners , I was reared on stories of coal and collieries .
3 Breathing was even more difficult now that I had stopped running , and I was racked by bouts of coughing .
4 In 1967 I was appointed as Principal of the new school , which was to open in September .
5 Constable I was charged with offences of disobedience to orders , neglect of duty , and smoking in uniform on duty … the light punishment of reduction in one class for six months , the deprivation of fifty-two shillings in pay .
6 Now the suite was in my name , so I was charged with possession of all these drugs , and with assault , and with a lot of other charges like operating a dive , running a disorderly house and all silly charges which were dropped the following day .
7 I was accepted as part of the family , which consisted of two daughters and a grandfather , ; the husband had died many years before .
8 When I was put in charge of the start-up at Fawley at the ripe old age of twenty-nine most of my team were people who were twenty years older than I was and being on shift with a lot of operating people taught me the problems and the realisation that I could learn a hell of a lot from them — the realisation that the chap on the shop floor usually knows far more about what 's going on than management does .
9 Here in the huge cathedral I was put in mind of all the oppression that had been put in motion with the words , ‘ You are all God 's children . ’
10 He talked rather obsessively about those times , and while he talked I was overwhelmed by feelings of desolation : this no man 's land made me uneasy .
11 In a telephone conversation today ( 14 June ) I was informed by Linton of your Broxburn office that the proposed repairs to the Union Canal towpath should cease forthwith .
12 I guess I was afflicted with delusions of grandeur .
13 She was a very tasty young mum pushing a baby in a buggy into the post office I was parked in front of , on her way to claim her Family Allowance , no doubt .
14 The climb to the snowline was not pleasant , and I was haunted by memories of the boredom of Ben Nevis 's path , even though here there was no path .
15 ‘ We have two wills on file , ’ Timothy Hutton said , reaching the end of whatever internal debate he had been having , ‘ but the second , which was made in anticipation of her marriage to Mr Hawick , can not of course be submitted for Probate since that marriage did not take place .
16 His involvement with bridge building started in 1767 , when he was appointed surveyor to direct the widening of the English bridge in Shrewsbury to a design by Robert Mylne [ q.v. ] and then , when that project was abandoned , submitted a design for the new bridge which was rejected in favour of that by John Gwynn [ q.v . ] .
17 Eleven children were excluded because of severe problems in the operated ear , which was treated by insertion of a long stay Goode type tympanostomy tube instead of a Shepard tube .
18 The third episode was the victory of Attalus I in 241 which was commemorated by initiative of the king himself , both in Pergamum and in Athens .
19 The first well drilled in block 110/15 [ LASMO 30 per cent ] discovered oil and gas which was tested at rates of 1,370 bopd and 78 mmcfd .
20 Ltd. v. The Irish Land Commission ( Case 182/83 ) [ 1984 ] E.C.R. 3677 , in which the court held to be compatible with article 52 a requirement to reside in Irish territory which was imposed on nationals of other member states , is not relevant .
21 The attendees were given a large package of data , including a precis of interests about themselves and a questionnaire which was completed by 75% of the audience .
22 A scar ran from the corner of his eye to under his jawbone , and his tattooed arms rested on the desk in front of him , which was covered with mementoes of his Legion career .
23 Teaching English , being a metaphor for a policy of enforced cultural assimilation , dovetailed with the view expressed by a large proportion of heads and teachers that ‘ immigrant ’ cultures — the desire to hold on to which was seen as evidence of a ‘ ghetto mentality ’ — were an educational hindrance requiring vigilant exclusion from the culture of the school ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
24 It seems clear then that an antitrust policy based on the behaviour of firms , in particular on whether or not this is collusive , could come to different conclusions to one which was based upon appraisal of the inefficiency and extent of excess profits associated with the market outcome .
25 The man was clad in midnight blue silk and his head was shaved except for a queue of black hair which was coiled on top of his scalp .
26 Two lorries were parked in the yard , which was littered with piles of boxes stinking of fish .
27 He pointed the torch beam at the forest floor , which was littered with pieces of fallen bark , dried leaves and twigs , then moved it slowly towards a hole at the base of a tree trunk .
28 Early in 1913 Cendrars published the first ‘ simultaneous ’ book , La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France , a poem over six feet in length , which was printed in letters of different colours and sizes on an abstract coloured background designed by Sonia Delaunay .
29 The second barrier is lack of market knowledge , recorded by 28% of respondents and thirdly finance which was highlighted by 25% of respondents .
30 The survey highlights possible underuse of nebulisation , which was given to 35% of patients , and of steroids , given to 55% .
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