Example sentences of "[pron] was [adj] [adv] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Ram was our ancestor , and I was sure then that the Worm fed off his hatred .
2 In my elevated state I was afraid only that the cop might search us and discover the Dexedrine in Dana 's pocket .
3 She was worried then that the attacker might strike again .
4 It was logical enough that the Minister for the Army should be a soldier , General Varela ; but the choice of another military man , Colonel Juan Beigbeder y Atienza , rather than a diplomat , as Foreign Minister gives a revealing insight into how Franco thought foreign policy should be conducted .
5 It was bad enough that a National Front MEP should emerge as chairman of the delegation to the Swiss parliament ; worse still that one of Mr Schonhuber 's men should be vice-chairman of the delegation to Israel 's Knesset .
6 It was bad enough that the anniversary of my David 's death was only a few days away .
7 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
8 But it was plain afterwards that the Israelis had not moved one tiny step closer to accepting the United Nations Commission of Enquiry into the Temple Mount killings last week .
9 There was a thermometer on the wall displaying the temperature , ensuring that it was constant so that the paintings were preserved correctly .
10 It was clear then that the staff would not only have to work extremely hard , and be at their most alert , they would also have to be unusually flexible .
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