Example sentences of "[pron] is [v-ing] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Taking further tentative steps into the Unix arena , Software AG GmbH , Darmstadt , Germany , last week announced it will support IBM 's RS/6000 with its fourth generation development language Natural , and Adabas , its relational database management system , which it is targeting at on-line transaction processing solutions .
2 Finally , the variety of ways in which linguistic terms have been applied to literary narrative suggests that even in the most linguistically conscious theories of literature , the role of linguistics remains subservient : it can never supply literary analysis with prescriptive procedures when it is operating at this level of the literary text .
3 It is occurring at especial speed in those countries in which development has been recent and fast .
4 What is lacking at this stage is for some imaginative research laboratory or university department to contact serious UFO researchers and design an experimental study for these UAPs .
5 Many inexperienced pilots do not even consider what the situation is going to be and only think about what is happening at that moment .
6 It demands the identification of a coordinator who should ensure that consultation with staff is genuine and that they feel involved ; explain processes clearly from the outset ; help teachers draw up a realistic timetable and ensure that deadlines are met ; provide advice and keep a check on what is happening at each stage ; contact people outside the school who might be brought in to help ; try to ensure that the review and the development are rigorous and systematic ; and make some evaluation of the effectiveness of the GRIDS method after about twelve months .
7 I would , before passing on the next part of our programme , I would like to warmly thank Judy and Simon and Richard and Tony , not only for their presentations , their carefully thought out presentations to give us as broad a span as possible of how they see the priorities , what is happening at this time , but for everything else they do in leading their teams and initiating so many of the exchanges that take place , which adds so much , as has been said by , both by Judy and by other speakers , to carry N C V O forward .
8 This aspect of Relativity is difficult fully to understand , but in simplest terms we can say that it is impossible to consider whatever is happening at this moment on & alpha Centauri , about 4.5 lightyears away , as sharing a ‘ now ’ with whatever is happening here .
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