Example sentences of "[pron] is [vb pp] as [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another and at least equally powerful strand says no , because it wants to emphasise the distinctive value of women 's insights , and also the special bond of sisterhood which is seen as binding women together , rather than letting them be absorbed and assimilated into he wider human group .
2 In particular the branch of geometry which studies any smooth curved surface , which is known as differential geometry , has been applied with great success and has produced both new insights into correct statistical theory and has also produced many important new results .
3 These factors in turn give rise to the condition which is described as submissive urination .
4 They came up with the Militant Clergy Association , which is understood to be moderate , and the Militant Clerics Society , which is described as left-wing fundamentalist .
5 This provides for a supply of very good quality water to the main river , which itself is used as potable supply .
6 The Commission 's aim of reskilling workers before they become unemployed , and smoothing their transition into alternative employment is also objected to by the UK Government , as it is seen as industrial policy in disguise .
7 The MNOD interpretation is displayed as a standard musical score so that the user can correct any errors that may have crept into the interpretation before it is written as standard MIDI information .
8 Fundamental analysis is also known as investment analysis in the UK , while in the USA it is known as financial analysis or securities analysis .
9 This phenomenon also arises in the field of insurance where it is known as adverse selection .
10 More commonly , however , it is known as Absolute Idealism .
11 This treatment may be given by mouth ( when it is known as oral rehydration therapy or ORT ) or directly into the bloodstream in more serious cases .
12 This pattern of acquired dyslexia is also seen : it is known as phonological dyslexia .
13 This principle is usually described as natural justice , and the procedure by which it is enforced as judicial review .
14 It is organised as 40 tables , each table containing approximately th of the total text .
15 As Foucault and others have demonstrated , the interpretation of information in contemporary society follows a set of discursive criteria which determine what is classified as objectively true and what is seen as subjective opinion or fiction .
16 But there has also appeared , in the past decade , a strong reaction against collectivism , in the shape of opposition to what is seen as excessive regulation of social life by public bureaucracies , and this has been translated in some countries ( notably in Britain ) into policies of privatization of public enterprises and services , with consequences that have themselves given rise to fierce controversy .
17 It is these ideas that lead to what is seen as juvenile delinquency .
18 As Davis points out , it is also a way in which wives can be saved from what is seen as dishonourable employment .
19 Not only do such cases provide — like other contested cases — public evidence of what is regarded as appropriate behaviour , but also the public humiliation of a named victim will not go unnoticed .
20 As sense of humour and what is regarded as acceptable changes , traditional cards , liberally sprinkled with glitter and sugary prose , take a back seat as titillating varieties , sometimes extremely rude , find increasing space on the shelves .
21 Freud shares what can be seen as the main element in the sociological imagination , that is , to see what is regarded as commonplace action in a particular society , at particular points in time , as being itself in need of some explanation .
22 All other methods involve what is known as accelerated depreciation because the depreciation is greater in the early years than the later years .
23 Although III/V substances such as GaAs and InGaAs are increasingly being used commercially , their usefulness is still constrained by what is known as final passivation — the last layer of the IC structure which protects the works against mechanical shocks and contamination ( for instance by water ) , and also provides electrical isolation .
24 Speakers also have the option of anchoring deictic expressions to a different centre of orientation by means of what is known as deictic projection ( Levinson 1983:64 ) : The anchorage point for the deictic verb " come " , which , in unmarked cases , indicates movement towards the speaker 's location at the moment of utterance , is shifted to the speaker 's future home base in 5 , and to the addressee 's position at a specific future moment in time in 6 ( cf.
25 Elsewhere reference has been made to the difference between Spanish style and flamenco style ( see page 59 ) which belongs to the Spanish gipsies from whom has also developed what is known as gipsy character dance .
26 There is another technique known as metabolic thermogenesis , which is a non-shivering method of producing adrenalin done with the aid of food , in what is known as calorigenic action .
27 A useful application of recall in practice is not to seek a measure of absolute recall ( as defined above ) , but rather to use recall to compare two different indexing systems , by defining what is known as relative recall .
28 The lowest offence on the ‘ ladder ’ is what is known as common assault .
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