Example sentences of "[pron] is [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Using an electronic sampling method which is locked to the same frequency as the supply voltage it is possible to derive a direct relationship between the voltage detected and the position of the stylus on the sheet .
2 Using an electronic sampling method which is locked to the same frequency as the supply voltage it is possible to derive a direct relationship between the voltage detected and the position of the stylus on the sheet .
3 The victim is usually speared with the barbed teeth in the proboscis and quickly killed by the venom which is injected at the same time .
4 Omega Pet Foods manufactures the extruded variety which is made from the same constituents , but cooked under pressure — extruded — to form a characteristic nugget .
5 Unless you are certain that the statute has not been amended since that date , take the cumulative supplement , which is arranged in the same way as the main work .
6 Each string , then , is associated in the player 's mind with a definite note , which is played on the same string whether it is flat , sharp , or natural , the pedals being alone responsible for the chromatic alterations .
7 The text of the document — a school librarian 's information skills worksheet or a pupil 's dissertation — can be keyed in via the microcomputer keyboard which is used in the same way as a 31typewriter .
8 Furthermore , histamine has been shown to trigger cAMP dependent phosphorylation of a 27 kDa phosphoprotein , which is restricted to the same low speed fraction of parietal cells that contains increased H + , K + -ATPase activity after histamine stimulation .
9 The cutting head is a router with a variable speed control ( 0–30,000rpm ) which is attached to the same shaft as a stylus .
10 The sample temperature is then monitored by means of a thermocouple and compared with the temperature of an inert reference such as powdered alumina , or simply an empty sample pan , which is subjected to the same linear heating programme .
11 But , given this condition , such options then have the advantage of a transparent , and often highly liquid , market in the underlying which is traded on the same exchange .
12 She is staying at the same Gasthaus as you .
13 The scientist who proposes new interpretations or principles is rather like the fictional detective ( they may exist in reality too ) who is faced with the same evidence as the reader and the police , but sees that it forms a different pattern when seen from the right angle .
14 It may include a leader model who is armed in the same way as the rest of the detachment , but the detachment may not have a champion .
15 His love affair was with laughter , and it came in Black Comedy when his character , sculptor Brindsley Miller , was improving the look of his shabby flat by ‘ borrowing ’ priceless porcelain and antique furniture from his friend next door to impress his fiancee 's snooty father , who is visiting on the same evening that the supposed richest man in the world is arriving to inspect his sculpture .
16 It is not demoralising because everyone around you is going through the same thing .
17 Everybody is categorised in the same mode , y'know .
18 It is strung in the same way as a viola and usually has two wire and three gut strings .
19 It is based on the same clinical guidelines for outpatient care available to all doctors in the diabetic clinics of the district general hospital .
20 When art is brought into line with everyday life and individual experience , it is exposed to the same risks , the same unforeseeable laws of chance , the same interplay of living forces .
21 The development of 19C painting in Czechoslovakia follows that elsewhere in Europe , but here it is imbued with the same emergence of a national consciousness which can also be seen in literature and architecture .
22 If , six months later , it is placed in the same box and given an injection of saline , it displays the identical behaviour as when given the drug .
23 If you want to make a wooden staircase leading from the patio to the garden , it is made in the same way as an indoor staircase , expect that the timber used is much thicker .
24 It is operated in the same way as the trumpet , i.e. by means of three valves , and differs only from it in tone-quality ( owing to its wider bore and larger mouthpiece ) , which is on the whole rounder and less brassy than that of the trumpet .
25 This does not replicate the monolithic vision of the Early Church but it is characterized by the same overall patterns .
26 However , words need not always have a consistent meaning attributed to them : the context may show that the same word bears two different senses even when it is repeated in the same section .
27 It is felt by the same people who experience the pain of all the other inequalities in our unequal society .
28 It is treated in the same way as a Super Class 1 transaction .
29 It is connected in the same way that cast iron guttering is repaired — i.e. with mastic and a new gutter bolt .
30 Midford Castle is a celebration of that card , for it is built to the same shape , with two rounded leaves of the trefoil facing out across the valley over Cane Brook and Midford Brook , and the third out to the back .
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