Example sentences of "[pron] it [be] [vb pp] [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One form which it is believed that this move takes is to new types of collaboration between commercial enterprise and public sector science .
2 By embracing the evidence from the ‘ effectiveness of schools ’ research and adopting a whole-school approach to special educational needs , we can create a truly comprehensive service of education in which it is accepted that ALL teachers have responsibility to meet the needs of ALL children .
3 Under proposed University legislation , new graduates will automatically become members of the Graduates Association on receipt of their degrees , after which it is hoped that many will endeavour to create and foster the right conditions to make it attractive for graduates to want to belong and help make their membership worthwhile and rewarding .
4 Managing director Albero Sandoval places the potential market at 100,000 users , predicting that this will rise to 600,000 subscribers over the next 10 years , of which it is hoped that some 300,000 will use Sistelcom 's system .
5 There are a large number of situations in which it is expected that professional judgement will have a considerable influence upon the implementation process .
6 This diversity and richness reflects the diversity of uses to which it is envisaged that electronic texts conforming to these Guidelines will be put .
7 In the last resort all that a test can give is a relation between two or more quantities such as load , displacement , time and temperature from which it is inferred that this is the general relation connecting these quantities throughout the body , for the assumption of such a general relation is at the basis of elasticity theory and continuum mechanics .
8 Since the book went to press there has been Smith v. Schofield , in which it was said that seventeen pages of algebra used to show the consequences of one construction of a tax Act should have been proved by an expert witness and not merely put before the judge ; this does raise sharply the difference between argument and evidence .
9 Fritz Leiber once wrote a terrific book called Conjure Wife , in which it was revealed that all women were witches .
10 Also , as it so happens , in August 1941 Winston Churchill had a meeting with President Roosevelt on board a British battleship , off the coast of Newfoundland , and that was followed by a further meeting at Christmas in Washington , when they agreed to send aid to Russia in the form of armaments , etc. , also they drew up the Atlantic Charter under which it was proclaimed that all peoples , in all parts of the world , would have the right to choose their own form of government .
11 An odd example of the rule is provided by an old case in which it was proved that 1,000 rabbits meant 1,200 rabbits ( Smith v Wilson ( 1832 ) 3 B & Ad 728 ) .
12 Raym. 742 in which it was held that indebitatus assumpsit lay for money paid under the sentence of a court which had no jurisdiction .
13 The report 's publication followed a conference at which it was estimated that older people were then spending upwards of £14 billion a year in the marketplace .
14 His concern was echoed in a BBC Panorama investigation Only Fools And Horses ? on Monday in which it was claimed that off-course bookies must pour more of their profits back into the Sport of Kings — or it could die .
15 But Finch proceeded against the principal offenders , from whom it was hoped that substantial sums could be extracted , ‘ by way of a Speciall Indictment ’ .
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