Example sentences of "[pron] to be in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He felt himself to be in the presence of a creative genius and experienced " enjoyments of such peculiar piquancy that today I am not quite my old self …
2 He imagined himself to be in the centre of the city now , surrounded by its magnificent old crumbling buildings , its churches and palaces , villas and castles filled with the rich trappings of the centuries and set about by the bustle , the noise , the filth , squalor and abject poverty of the streets .
3 It is not necessary to book seats in advance but we would ask you to be in the McEwan Hall not later than 10.20 am .
4 Little has been written on the subject since then , but one may infer from the few remarks that are made on it that psychologists are no longer so impressed by ‘ the insuperable logical difficulty ’ James believed there to be in the way of saying that the difference between sensations may be one of ‘ place pure and simple ’ .
5 All he had said was that his love-life was being well taken care of — and it was perfectly clear from the tenor of her greeting that Nina believed herself to be in the singular .
6 Although the latter point was delivered as a subtext it was as plain as all the rest and Miss Skelton knew herself to be in the ring .
7 Rather to my surprise popular support , especially in the Daily Express of the 16th , showed me to be in the lead-Butler 39 1/2 , Hailsham 21 1/2 , Maudling 11 , Home 9 1/2 .
8 It 's too easy , I think , to assume that women are n't aggressive and are sensitive and men are more aggressive and less sensitive because that 's the way society has wanted them to be in the past and children have grown up and lived up to those stereotypes , so I do n't think we can actually say yet that women can offer anything distinctive until we 've given them the chance to be themselves really .
9 A a at precisely the point where one one would expect them to be in the position to be able to encroach on the rich they are actually this is , this is the promotion of the rich peasant economy .
10 It would be paradoxical for them to be in the vanguard of social change , for as Templeton ( 1980 ) points out , they are ‘ there to preserve the structure ; to uphold the state of play ’ .
11 Observers still thought them to be in the relation of boy and headmaster .
12 I felt responsible because I encouraged him to be in the group in the first place , I persuaded him to stay when he wanted to go and yet in the end we asked him to leave , ’ says Gedge .
13 On the drive back he considered whether the man were guilty of something more heinous than drinking champagne with a rich young woman on an afternoon when his constituents might reasonably expect him to be in the House of Commons .
14 Choosing her words with care , she said , ‘ Doreen — it 's obvious you want Silas , but you also want him to be in the city .
15 The young woman in the plain suit was not intimidated by it , nor by the hand-carved plate that proclaimed her to be in the offices of Yeo , Davis and Partners .
16 Not surprisingly , trades unions have co-operated in the development of this age discriminatory policy , believing it to be in the interests of their older and younger members alike .
17 Fisheries Minister Jan Henry Olsen said a quota would be set after the meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) in Kyoto in May but that he expected it to be in the range of a " few hundred " minke whales a year .
18 We do n't have a in our business as many other retailers do where for instance after Christmas may be and other such things to clear we do n't have that , so there is n't any merchandise that 's been sold since Christmas that has been sold because we do n't want it to be in the inventory post year end it 's it 's just generating trade by being discount price left so therefore to a certain amount your question would be has the post Christmas and it was pre Christmas no material difference we 're very satisfied with the gross margins since Christmas we have n't had to take any extraordinary measures to generate this erm this level of sales increase that 's being achieved at constant margin a flat margin
19 Is it to be in the Town Hall ?
20 client 's best interests a transaction which is fee or commission earning can not be recommended or effected unless the Firm reasonable believes it to be in the Client 's best interests
21 He would prefer us to be in the position of the person who learns to trust that a friend has posted a letter , and who does not go out to be certain that the letter has found its destination , a search that in fact would portray not faith , but a lack of faith .
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