Example sentences of "[pron] and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After she had squeezed blood out of me and squirted it into little bottles , she said ‘ Thank you very much ’ — I thought ‘ That was n't so bad ’ and was halfway out the door when a nurse redirected me to a bed and rolled up my sleeve .
2 Mother wrote me and told me about poor Simon 's death , but what about Yanto and Nigger .
3 Here is a man who antagonised me and bothered me for 16 months and when I said ‘ yes ’ to fighting him again , he said ‘ no ’ .
4 ‘ Valerie , ’ the editor of the Mail on Sunday said to me once , after I had filed a neat and convincing piece on an earthquake the ground had trembled beneath me in Rome , where Lou was playing with the London Symphonic and a wall had fallen on top of me and trapped me for two hours — ‘ you are the mistress of controlled reportage .
5 Ruth would retire behind her screen to read them and stored them in one of her drawers .
6 Poets had found their way over ( and sometimes back , to tell the tale ) ; so had a good number of priests over the centuries , and hermits , meditating on their essence so hard the In Ovo enveloped them and spat them into another world .
7 He placed a little white enamel cup before each of them and filled it with strong black tea .
8 But he gave much of his time to them and showered them with expensive gifts .
9 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
10 They trapped him in corners , caught him and drove him into small dark spaces that rattled terrifyingly .
11 Although his chains still held him tight , the slavers grabbed him and burnt him with searing irons .
12 OK , we 'll flush him and put him on forced diuresis .
13 It 's a crazy thing where one child pretends to be a carrot and the others top and tail him and put him in boiling water .
14 After he had been held incommunicado for a month his family were allowed to visit him and found him in good health .
15 Jack snatched it from him and tore it in two .
16 When it was obvious that Inez was not coming back he packed up everything connected with her and stored it in one of the attics .
17 The woman escaped and ran to a motorist after her assailant grabbed her and dragged her into private gardens .
18 So you and your family hatched a plot whereby you flirted with her and turned her stupid , innocent head ; where you pawed her and manoeuvred her into private corners until she did n't know what was happening to her !
19 Later Lisa was to wonder at the power of the sensations that swept in on her and possessed her at that moment .
20 But at this thought rage grasped her and shook her with red-hot hands , so that her eyes went dark and she found herself walking fast up the road , and then along another , and another , walking as though she would explode if she stopped .
21 The girl was dishevelled , her hair a mess , but she only laughed as he caught her and pulled her into another room .
22 He was right , of course , she knew that , but she picked up the brandy Mick got her and downed it in one , then hovered on the edge of her seat until he gave up and walked her home .
23 Director William Sterling had spotted a Sunday magazine photograph of her taken by Lord Snowdon , arranged to meet her and shortlisted her with two other girls to meet Shaftel ; after a couple of screen tests in full costume , she was offered the role .
24 I remember I bought about 100 copies of it and sent it to various agents , bookers , and media .
25 His agent , Peter Müller , had prepared it and left it in one of the embassy ‘ letter boxes ’ for collection .
26 I spotted it and lost it at that last roundabout .
27 Lowes did in fact trace many of the images unerringly to their source ; and what was even more interesting was how Coleridge 's mind took the raw material of some explorer , and twisted it and mixed it with many other ideas to produce the incomparable poetry of The Ancient Mariner and Xanadu .
28 When Councillor and his Party showed the care and concern they have for our staff , when sixty members of our staff on that day attended a committee meeting of this Council to see the Labour leader open it and shut it without any debate whatsoever and walk out of the room .
29 Sarah finished the washing-up and , taking off her apron , folded it and placed it in one of the table drawers .
30 A man with a great bunch of keys joined us and led us down some steps to a doorway marked ‘ Luftschutzraum ’ .
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