Example sentences of "[pron] think i would [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 If I had to select one of my pairs of binoculars for observations of nebulæ I think I would choose the × 7 instrument , though I agree that the more powerful binoculars can bring out more details in the fainter nebulæ .
2 But I think I would pay the extra and that and have a choice next time .
3 Alan and I served er , together as er , deputy Chairs , or vice-Chairs or whatever the appropriate words are for several years er , and I erm , well I think I would adopt the words that he used about the experience that he has had in the Chair , to whit , that his companionship and his contribution to our affairs has been stimulating , enlightening and particularly enjoyable .
4 If forced to be more exact , I think I would put the figure a little closer to 20 per cent than 30 per cent .
5 ‘ On the whole , I think I 'd prefer the latter . ’
6 Erm I think I 'd support the first point that we we 're obviously er all in favour well the County Council is certainly in favour of flexibility in terms of addressing the post two thousand er six scenario .
7 Erm er your third point was about the balance sheet and I think I 'd ask the finance director
8 and words are put clear and strong and I think I 'd use the word forceful
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