Example sentences of "[pron] must [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And erm I got down on my hands and knees I must 've done it for an hour
2 By definition I must have seen it with someone else , but the fact that , at the time , our own coupledom was predicted only by Nostradamus was irrelevant .
3 I must have said something about being in reasonably , good health despite a rather dismal daily round of commuting to Charing Cross and a crawl by bus up the King 's Road to the appropriately named World 's End pub , but that I was more tormented at that time with a clash of affections with two young ladies .
4 I must have studied her with attention for I find that I can at this moment , however reluctantly , see her face before me as distinctly as though I was still sitting in that coffee bar with a quarter of an inch of the brown dregs left in my cup .
5 Edna , blind since birth , said : ‘ I must have hit him at least 12 times .
6 I must have missed something in the council tax .
7 So I must have failed him in some way , to make him not like me , as well as him failing me .
8 I must have left it off the hook this morning .
9 Just a minute — oh , bother , I must have left it at home .
10 I must have left it in my handbag and somebody 's stolen it . ’
11 I I must have told you before that what we got er we used to turn and bundle two thousand four hundred , I told you that did n't I ?
12 After reading your December/January issue of Tennis World , I felt I must write to thank you for the article entitled ‘ Agassi — A Coach 's Dream ’ .
13 I must remember to take one to , there the one 's are n't they ?
14 ‘ Two men … someone must have let them in the front door … they took Jacqui … ’
15 Someone must have known him at Emmanuel , ’ added the Archdeacon .
16 The Minoans seem to have been self-sufficient in terms of basic needs , which must have put them in a position of trading strength , but they relied on imports for supplies of exotic raw materials for the manufacture of luxury goods .
17 Somebody must 've left it by mistake .
18 Also , had it been in the first instance the officers of Albinus , there was a need to consider the townspeople since it was they who must have supported him for his bid for the purple on the expectancy of rich return on his success .
19 You must stop treating me like a naughty girlfriend , for I am neither the one nor the other .
20 You must have moved them from up there .
21 You must have met him by now , ’ Penny insisted .
22 Heaven knows , you must have aroused plenty of men in your time . ’
23 You must have hated him for what he did . ’
24 You must have done it for a good reason .
25 You must have seen her with one of them .
26 You must have seen him at the pictures . ‘
27 You must have mistaken me for someone else .
28 You must have left it at home . ’
29 You must have put them in your bag .
30 ‘ I did n't steal your money , you stupid bitch , you must have put it in the wrong apron . ’
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