Example sentences of "[pron] 've [vb pp] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Going to Wembley is what I 've wanted as a manager .
2 They tend to they tend to be a bit noisier than the others , but actually they are very constructive , and on Banbury School Governors it 's not the political appointees that erm I 've seen as a problem particularly .
3 I 've matured as a cricketer through playing against better players but I 'm still the same bloke I was three or four years ago , ’ he said .
4 Since I lost my job I 've worked as a decoy for Antonescu , luring on innocent foreigners who come here to take advantage of low Hungarian prices .
5 ‘ Working with Soul II Soul is definitely to this point the most rewarding experience I 've had as an artist and as a person ’
6 I 've found as a music teacher the best classroom situation … is where I 'm completely an onlooker ; having given them the stimulus , they 've done all the build-up , they 've done the preparation , they 've got the task .
7 The genial heavyweight said : ‘ I 've fought as an amateur for a few years .
8 Generally it falls , although I 've used as the sub-heading , I suppose the overall title of this area is perception organisation , the way that erm things become organised , how we perceive them as an organised whole .
9 The hard-hitting television advertisements will be shown regularly from tomorrow , and have been welcomed by parents of children who 've died as a result of sniffing glue or lighter fuel .
10 Are you getting any way in in persuading the authorities , the relevant authorities , both central and local government that they should be doing more to recognise what you 've described as the diversity of family options ?
11 Now quite clearly the new settlement erm when it , if and when it goes ahead will be outside erm the area of the green belt and which by definition is by and large the area of the Greater York er er study area , and I think in response to er Mr 's point , we 've accepted as a need for a er a minor amendment to the wording of policy H one to reflect that er that reality .
12 By the way , there was one thing that we did n't mention when we were talking about C P O's that is very pertinent is that already , I 've got it on authority , that one of the C P O's that we 've employed as a civilian has been offered a job with an alarm company at fifteen thousand a year
13 My Lord we 've assumed as a matter of English law that I think the counterclaim can arise as a set off , but the other matters are a matter of community law
14 Now , we do these things after we 're saved , they get us saved , we do them after we 've saved as a confession that we are trusting Jesus Christ as our saviour .
15 On that subject , obviously next year , er bearing in mind that we 've agreed as a committee to go for twelve matches on Sundays
16 Do they end up working the way we 've got to bloody work here on this tiny pension or the pension that they 've earned as an MP
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