Example sentences of "[pron] 've [verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 've run out of bloody cold sore lotion have n't I ?
2 I 've run out of such a good dog food again !
3 erm and I 've sent off for some loose fitting ones
4 Erm I 've said previously in this enquiry that I do n't agree with the County Council 's erm notes on on E Ten , but really I I think that .
5 I 've gone on to decaffeinated coffee I do drink decaffeinated
6 Now , I 've gone right through all the bloody rules to this and I ca n't see where this has been expired .
7 I 've gone down to one egg in me freezer
8 I 've broken away from that whole junkie crowd .
9 ‘ I 've lived here all my life , Mr Wycliffe , and I 've grown up with such tales ; nobody takes them seriously . ’
10 I 've grown up with this type of regime .
11 Erm what I what I 'd like to , I mean I 've written out in rough you know , what I 'd like to send out to departments with the the the homework timetable and it 's just , you know I I 'm trying to say to the members of staff I do n't wan na interfere with the way that they organise their departments or their classrooms but I want to propose , you know that things like all seventh year classes should have one homework per subject per week .
12 Now for the that out and I 'll see what I 've written down for this Oh yeah er see Sue lost it erm well it 's a canine meaning , you know , the rose erm the dog rose .
13 But inevitably they 've been sort of thrown in a corner and people have fiddled around with them like I 've fiddled around with this and we find we got what , twenty or thirty of these missing .
14 My social life , you can say I 've cut down on that .
15 I 've cut down on all the exercise I felt necessary to do and always have fourth helpings but nothing can bring back my third chin , I do n't know what to do , ’ said the man .
16 an used to be called metermarism and I say , it 's not a word it 's not a term I 've seen on for many many years and you do n't seen it many erm modern organic texts .
17 Well , do you know , I 've felt just like that .
18 I 've given up on that idea actually .
19 Cos she used to say , ‘ I never had daughters but I 've ended up with three . ’
20 I 've relied more on commercial baby foods for Jake because they 're quick and convenient .
21 I frankly ca n't deal in the time allowed with what Mr said , I have never heard so many inaccuracies and misconceptions in a speech , it was the most comprehensive political suicide speech I 've heard yet in this council .
22 I would not disagree with that approach er one of the problems in dealing with this erm criterion by criterion is that er I ca n't refer to other points I 've made elsewhere on other aspects .
23 Not s in a sense just by individual feudal landlords , but by landlords saying well I 'm , I 'm not really feudal anyway , that I 've moved on from that , I am a commercial landlord rather than a feudal landlord .
24 I 've worked in for 30 years and lots of us have worked for over 25 years and we do know that they are bringing in trainees in on higher salaries than ourselves , which obviously is quite upsetting when you 've worked a long time .
25 I 've worked hard for this house over the past three years .
26 I 've gawped solemnly at fuzzy ultrasound images , and pretended to recognize the head when the doctor pointed to it .
27 I 've had up to five floating around the house before and then we ca n't find one , no and then two days
28 I 've had enough with that lot downstairs , going on at me as if I 'm something less than bacteria ! ’
29 I 've caught , I 've caught up on most of it I 've got to copy up some maths but I 'll , I 'll borrow someone 's book this weekend .
30 German racing as I 've mentioned before in this column appears to be all the rage and there is a big meeting at Baden Baden today with John Oxx featured .
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