Example sentences of "[pron] should [not/n't] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He made me give him Celia 's address , and he wrote to her and said I should not be working and living alone at my age .
2 Sorry I should n't be saying because I was Incidentally , I did n't say to you that when they transcribe it , if a name comes up they , they just write erm do you want a cup of tea , name ?
3 Shock and indignation jostle for position in the following quote from a speech of the president of the Royal Society , delivered in 1978 : ‘ Ominously , voices have been raised claiming that limits should be set to scientific inquiry — that there are questions which should not be asked and research which should not be undertaken . ’
4 This viewed criminal behaviour not as freely willed action but ( either metaphorically or literally ) as a symptom of some kind of mental illness which should not be punished but ‘ treated ’ like an illness .
5 This competence is a huge resource which should not be ignored but made explicit .
6 Mr Major told him : ‘ As a former shadow chancellor , if you do n't know that , until those things are unwound , nobody knows what the figures would be , you should not be sitting where you are . ’
7 You should n't be reading until Doctor 's seen you and you need company to take you out of yourself .
8 Her instinct told her she should not be talking but she could not stop .
9 We should n't be asking whether he deserves his place .
10 Even if one does think of self-consciousness as perceiving one 's own activities rather than heeding them ( as one also heeds the perceived ) , there is no obvious reason why one should not be perceiving as thought and emotion what to the eye would be neural process , just as when , with the same experience of temporal change without spatial extension , one hears as sound what one would see as vibrations .
11 An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends , and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive .
12 They should not be handled or taken away if found . ’
13 Above all , they should not be imposed and regulated by a central power .
14 Birkbeck 's study of garbage pickers in Cali , Colombia , suggests that they should not be viewed as vagrants left behind by economic development but as workers who are part of the industrial system ( Birkbeck 1979 ) .
15 These funerary items were nearly always painted by heraldic amateurs — signwriters , coachbuilders and so on — so although they provide useful clues they should not be regarded as authoritative , but of course the fact that they are not can also form part of the story the local historian has to tell .
16 As for polyunsaturated fats , these are a preferable substitute in our diet , but even they should not be regarded as totally beneficial .
17 They should not be regarded as simply a last resort , but involved in the consultation process surrounding possible action to prevent risk to employees .
18 Even if some of them come for what others hold to be a wrong reason , they should not be discouraged or their motives despised .
19 By this time in Durham one J. Bailey ( no relation ) had written that ‘ the expense of horses is now become so great , that they should not be used where it can be avoided .
20 They should not be discharged immediately they reach their target weights , but should become accustomed to eating normal meals rather than the high-energy diet necessary for weight gain .
21 However , they should not be over-used or applied anywhere near the face .
22 Money is tight so we need to be quite clear on I mean for instance I mean the seats have been recovered you know people smoking in the seats when they should n't be smoking and putting they 're putting their cigarette 's out on the floor I do n't know
23 They should n't be informed and I think that 's wrong .
24 In fact … one of them was stuffing something through the wire and bars of his cage which they should n't be doing and he did n't much like it …
25 Oh it should n't be allowed and director ca n't walk through the company .
26 I will argue , in this paper that , although valuable information is currently being lost to history , it need not and it should not be lost and the time has come to prevent it .
27 It should not be concluded that intonation is not important for conveying attitudes .
28 Winter savory can be grown from seed sown outdoors in August ; it should not be covered as it needs light to germinate when it will then sprout in about ten days .
29 As a general principle it should not be imagined that all economic , social , and above all political repercussions were of a vertical central — local nature or vice versa .
30 It should not be imagined that the tiny Party élite at either of these provincial levels could maintain a tight hold .
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