Example sentences of "[pron] because [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm the drummer the dragon boats arise from an ancient chinese legend about a council official who drowned himself because of the poor service the people were getting .
2 In one case promotion in the off-farm employment had been refused by the employed himself because of the added restriction it would have placed on his farming activities .
3 No. 16 , which because of the poor condition of its body , had already been re-pillared with five windows , was sent to Hendon in August or September 1928 , stripped right down and rebuilt with flush sides , two and one reversible cushioned seats inside and a number of other improvements .
4 ‘ No-one would admit to possessing the drugs , which because of the small quantity were clearly for personal use only . ’
5 We started the collection of pictures for schools , and had many memorable visits to painters ; sometimes we visited schools together , which because of the shared observation , interest , ( and often amusement ) was always enjoyable .
6 It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether the patient is ill-tempered and perhaps foulmouthed towards you because of the immediate effects of his illness and the frustration he feels , especially if he can not speak normally , or whether it is part of a personality change which is going to last indefinitely .
7 This task is an important one because of the enormous amounts of program in the hands of organizations whose original writers have long since left without leaving any description of what they had done .
8 The Machine Gunners , for example , was cited by sixteen of the twenty-seven teachers to whom I spoke as being both consistently popular with pupils and also as being readily accessible to them because of the recent television serialization which caused heightened interest .
9 do n't chase solvent misusers around or over-excite them because of the small risk of ‘ sudden sniffing death ’ .
10 ‘ She 's already doing a novena for me because of the Good Sex Guide she 'll be praying forever when she sees this show . ’
11 It was I who needed to see him because of the broken nights , the strain involved in loss of sleep . ’
12 We had to be particularly polite to him because of the enormous interests of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company ( now BP ) in the country …
13 I think I was so detached when I first had her because of the mental blockage , and the labour , and the birth was so messy and horrible .
14 Yet Diana truly believed he was in love with her because of the devoted way he behaved in her presence .
15 ‘ We hit the mark , ’ said Conner 's tactician , Tom Whidden , ‘ but we hit it because of the other boat . ’
16 I was at one stage tempted to forgo my chance to contribute to it because of the fascinating speeches of Members representing inner and outer London constituencies as they struggled to find some fairness , justice or logic in the banding system .
17 The National Council for Voluntary Organisations said that while much of the SORP was appropriate to the needs of larger charities , it feared those with incomes of less than £100,000 a year may ignore it because of the extra administration , cost and complexity it involved .
18 I arranged Ron Davies 's talk on the Indian sub-continent some time ago and we postponed it because of the African theme .
19 I arranged Ron Davies 's talk on the Indian sub-continent some time ago and we postponed it because of the African theme .
20 I arranged Ron Davies 's talk on the Indian sub-continent some time ago and we postponed it because of the African theme .
21 The crag contains a great selection of classic climbs ; it would be a pity to lose access to it because of the thoughtless actions of a few loud-mouthed oafs .
22 Because there are worries that it 's going to er , effect the outcome of this mad ref , referendum , you know they the farmers are sort of desperate and they think they need government help and they think they would n't get it because of the black government so
23 It is a common experience in reading that you read something , then try to write about it ; writing about it gives you new ideas , and so when you read the original again you find new things in it because of the new ideas you have brought to it .
24 It does n't have pockets but I liked it because of the red buttons . ’
25 I quite like doing it because of the funny taste on my fingers .
26 On the Government 's own figures , over 30% of those who would have received legal aid next year will lose it because of the proposed eligibility cuts .
27 I am arguing against it because on the one hand it brings about environmental improvements in the town centre which according to the latest published government information which as as Mr has has himself said , i is stricter th th than we had published previously .
28 What because of the financial position ?
29 The issue of women in communication has historically been an important issue for us because of the sexist structure of Latin American and Caribbean society .
30 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
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