Example sentences of "[pron] may be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sites now considered to illustrate undefended settlements have been chosen at random since it would have required much research and fieldwork to have presented a comprehensive list in time for this Conference ; attention is merely drawn to a number of sites with the hope that they , and others like them may be studied in more detail by local efforts .
2 I may be subdivided into three elements .
3 Brave Oates , who was born and raised in Mellor 's Putney constituency , told Scott as he left : ‘ I may be gone for some time . ’
4 As as I see it er it 's and I I may be corrected on this , Professor Lock 's hypothesis is that we over-provide land and then limit release once an
5 In understanding the effects which may be observed of subjective risk in everyday driving the most important studies are likely to be those using moderate levels of arousal .
6 Such human needs will range from the basic ones for security , which are threatened when other members of an organization wish to close part of the operation down or attempt to perform the same operations with fewer personnel , to the need for self-realization , which may be threatened by extreme specialization and limited capabilities within the division of labour perceived by those in authority to be necessary for the maximization of their objectives ( which will invariably be presented as the goals of ‘ the organization ’ ) .
7 This also means that it is not possible to compare the dissociation from isolated GC sites with that from clusters of such sites which may be stabilised by cooperative interaction .
8 They will have fluctuating motivation which may be influenced by outside factors such as a court appearance , loss of drug supply , or family breakdown .
9 The Palace is still in regular use as a Royal residence and contains many treasures , including some of the personal belongings of Mary Queen of Scots , which may be seen throughout most of the year .
10 Common to them all is the fact that they are acted and are therefore simulations of reality , which may be done with varying degrees of realism or fantasy .
11 There are three basic books which may be studied to good effect : A Complete Guide to Heraldry by A.C. Fox-Davies , revised in 1969 by John Brooke-Little , the present Norroy and Ulster King of Arms ; Boutell 's Heraldry , also revised by Brook-Little ( 1983 ) ; and A New Dictionary of Heraldry ( 1987 ) edited by Stephen Friar .
12 Each point made must be supported by fact and in turn generates more questions which may be answered in that paragraph .
13 For Dworkin 's rights thesis is put forward in the context of an institutional environment which operates a clear division of labour between courts and other institutions in terms of the kind of argument which may be deployed in each ( Brownsword and Harden , 1981 ) .
14 An upperplate margin is formed by crust lying above the detachment fault while a lower-plate margin is developed on deeper crustal rocks lying below the detachment zone and which may be overlain by faulted fragments of the upper plate .
15 But it is still a very large sum indeed , which may be viewed with some in credulity by the millions of lower paid people who have been hit by the Government 's attitudes on , for example , child benefits .
16 Think of the male statues which are even now being exposed at Sydenham without adequate covering and which may be viewed by innocent girls ! "
17 Suspended sentence — activation — whether activation of a suspended sentence is subject to restrictions on the maximum aggregate term of imprisonment which may be imposed in particular circumstances
18 Labial or Lip Sounds Sounds which may be sub-divided into bilabial : sounds articulated by the two lips , eg/p , m/and labio-dental : sounds articulated by the lower lip against the upper teeth , eg/f/ .
19 We are left with n — s rows which may be written in partitioned matrix form as unc where A1 is a non-singular submatrix of A of order ( n — s ) ( some reordering of the elements of x may be necessary to obtain the non-singular minor ) , unc is of the order unc and c is the reduced vector b ; x has been partitioned conformably into n — s elements ( y ) and s elements ( z ) .
20 The tenth edition of the Kalendar in 1754 , contained a write-tip of the sixth edition of the Dictionary ( 1752 ) and on its title page was notice of the fact that it had been ‘ adapted to the new style , with a list of medicinal plants which may be gathered in each month for use ’ .
21 There will be some disruption to traffic while the work is in progress and British Gas South Western apologises for any inconvenience which may be caused by this essential work .
22 Diseases which may be transmitted during natural mating are avoided by AI , and it does offer the possibility of being able to get a goat which is not CAE-negative put in kid if this is really necessary .
23 We may write this equation as unc Equation ( 5 ) is known as a parametric solution : since we have only n — s independent relations we can determine only n — s unknowns ( y ) in terms of the remaining s quantities ( z ) , which may be regarded as arbitrary parameters in the problem .
24 using microviewdata/viewdata to compile , synthesize ( and therefore re-create ) in-house databases , which may be based on original research or other forms of information , including information from viewdata sources .
25 Lakoff and Turner distinguish between " conceptual " metaphors , which are part of the language system , and original or " image " metaphors , ( which may be based upon conceptual metaphors ) .
26 In addition , registration does not create a priority point in the sense that the chargee is guaranteed priority from the date of registration ; this is because if A registers have charge on 21 January he has no guarantee that the company has not created a charge prior to this which may be registered within 21 days and thus have priority .
27 Lists Terms often contain lists : for instance , of rights which may be exercised in certain situations , or of facilities to be provided .
28 Typically a landowner is offered a consideration of , say , £2000 per acre to grant an Option to purchase , which may be exercised within 12 months by the developer .
29 ( i ) initial recovery of the mitotic cells which may be aided by earlier exposure to a mitotic arrestant , ( ii ) treatment with a hypotonic solution so that they swell , ( iii ) fixation to preserve chromosome morphology , and ( iv ) spreading and flattening onto glass slides .
30 Such kinds of nationalism , which may be strengthened in some cases by the dominance of a particular religion , are not , in their most intense form , generally conducive to the development of a liberal democratic society , as may be seen from certain current trends in Eastern Europe .
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