Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cancer research had a long tradition of support from private contributions , but new charities devoted to particular diseases , such as arthritis and rheumatism , leukaemia , and muscular dystrophy , were founded and became a great source of strength to workers whose interests had or might have application to the desired objectives .
2 It is at least conceivable that political interference has taken place or could take place in the audit , if only because the auditor is appointed by the Secretary of State ; although there are no obvious examples of this having happened .
3 It is the hall mark of a contract of sale of goods that the parties enter into a mutual commitment that the buyer thereby acquires or shall acquire ownership of the goods .
4 The Guidance , para 3.44 suggests that this requirement may be met " by considering any change in circumstances , any new evidence that may have come to light and any other relevant matter that may cast doubt on the benefit of a new order " .
5 There does not appear to have been an account taken of the of the factors that may reduce traffic on the A sixty one er and ways of ameliorating the current problems on the road which are not just a question of the volumes , but in fact the timescale it takes in fact to clear that road in the mornings .
6 The Syrian foreign minister , Abdul Halim Khaddam , visited Lebanon on three occasions to call for ceasefires or appeal for political reforms that might re-establish trust between the two sides .
7 Last winter , though , Mr Tomlinson started work on his biggest project yet — to build a 250hp tractor that could do justice to the farm 's ultra-high output Mengele SH4ON forage harvester .
8 The association 's magazine Which ? says that insurance companies and the Department of Transport collect accident details that could throw light on the cars which best protect their occupants , but this information is not made public .
9 What the CNAA was looking for , therefore , was evidence of a changed organizational and administrative environment , an academic machinery that could exercise responsibility for the continuing scrutiny and health of courses , and this was particularly important in the case of the newly-designed polytechnics , given the emphasis on academic boards and ‘ a large measure of autonomy ’ for institutions under their governing bodies in the government 's 1967 statement on polytechnics .
10 The oarsmen and women have been training now for over 3 months to reach the peak of stamina and fitness that could bring victory in the longest raft race in the world .
11 It is not hard to find suitable populations of bodies that could give rise to the observed range of crater sizes today — more on this in section 6.4 and in Chapter 8 .
12 If there were a colonial mentality that could covet territory across the species barrier , this was it .
13 This would tie in with the kind of creature that could take advantage of the first abundance of flowering plants and special insects emerging in the late Cretaceous .
14 The much valued community education services offered by the multi-cultural family orientated Highfields youth and community centre and the kind of development of services that could take place at the Moat , Moat centre .
15 But this was not just the effect of Stalin per se , despite his perverse attraction as a sort of singular-universal who did in effect unite ‘ man ’ with ‘ history ’ : it was also the result of the theoretical collapse of the singular-universal as a totalizing concept that could save history from the aberrant consequences of anti-labour .
16 Your answer to a question from T.D Smart in the Q&A section of the July edition of ‘ Practical PC ’ , contained some information that could cause damage to the NiCad batteries of your readers who follow the advice .
17 The second point that could cause confusion on the printouts is to do with the way in which stitches are to be cast on or off , increased or decreased and so on .
18 ‘ And the villagers let a complete stranger drive off with a machine that could play music from the future … ’
19 The Rebbe has told Israeli followers to vote against left-wing parties that would cede land to the Palestinians — an action he maintains would be militarily disastrous .
20 A bargaining position was established that would draw attention to the needs of the lowest paid workers , and , hopefully , lead to a reasonable wage settlement .
21 It had to be a safe name , innocuous , nothing that would draw attention to the past .
22 Marking his way carefully to the door that would give entry to the parcels office , he shone his torch around him .
23 Following an appeal by UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar for a cease-fire over civilian-populated areas , this was accepted by both sides and the secretary-general now sought to widen it into something that would give effect to the Security Council resolutions , call for an end to the fighting altogether .
24 He persuaded the Board in 1970 to recognise that a new kind of qualification was now required , one that would give status to the more ‘ creative ’ approach to drama in schools .
25 Such conditions could occur in a very big hydrogen bomb : the physicist John Wheeler once calculated that if one took all the heavy water in all the oceans of the world , one could build a hydrogen bomb that would compress matter at the center so much that a black hole would be created .
26 Darwin was one of a small group of naturalists who took the opposite route , following Lyell in the search for natural processes at work in the present and the recent past that would throw light on the distribution of life around the globe today .
27 Madreidetic 's most vulnerable possession , and Spiderglass was about to blow it and its eight hundred thousand inhabitants to incandescent death that would rain destruction on the Earth below .
28 He , Ben Lowe , would start the newspaper of the new dawn , the paper that would restore faith in the discredited medium , the paper that would be not just a paper , but far more .
29 The first link in the chain of events that would unleash chaos on the world .
30 Replace all metal drainpipes with plastic ones ( which are far too flimsy for anyone to scale ) , remove any trees near the house that would assist ascent to the first floor and absolutely never leave ladders outside the house , front or back , always lock them away .
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