Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
2 An error which has led or will lead to the powers of arrest of the British Transport Police being drastically curtailed .
3 An obvious example is the contradiction that may arise between the requirements for parental affection , on the one hand , and status with peers , on the other .
4 These examples show that , as in all cases , whether an adjective counts as restrictive or not depends on what exactly is in the mental focus of the speaker on any particular token occasion , and definitely not on any relation of inclusion that might exist between the meanings of the adjective and noun as type elements , such as could be found in the dictionary ( or more accurately between those parts of an external world which might be correlated with the meanings of the adjective and noun ) .
5 v. Perry , 1987 F.L.R. 237 the court had to consider circumstances which differed from those in the present case and in Coldunell Ltd. v. Gallon in that a responsible official of the creditor bank took it upon himself to discharge any duty that might exist in the circumstances by personally dealing with the wife when she executed the documents under attack .
6 ‘ It 's all activity oriented contact which is a beginning to help to alter the preconceived ideas that might exist in the minds of the local community .
7 The theories that have guided these insights into the mechanisms of psychotic and creative thought do not , of course , specify what it is about the brain that might account for the differences observed in schizophrenic and schizotypal individuals .
8 As the woman who dreamed up the slogan ‘ A Dog Is For Life , Not Just For Christmas ’ , she needs to have a high profile for campaigning , while still being able to turn her hand to clearing the odd blocked drain that might occur at the kennels .
9 The pursers are the public face of the company and have to deal with many unforeseen situations that might occur to the passengers .
10 Adding the percentage of retrospective completions and the percentage of errors ( discrepancies ) provides an estimate of the maximum percentage of errors that could occur for the entries in paper and pencil diaries such as those used in clinical trials : 2%+15%=17% for the morning and 9%+15%=24% for the evening .
11 True , the black cows , apparently of no fixed abode , that used to saunter along the streets and back lanes , foraging and friendly , have gone , and Edmund MacKenzie has moved his shop to new premises , but otherwise Plockton today is as it has always been within my memory , and is best appreciated in the evenings when the day trippers have departed .
12 And what heaven could the preacher offer that would compare with the joys of the long summer evenings , messing about in boats with other laughing boys and girls ?
13 Of course , political protest against the autocracy is not of itself proof that the working class was aspiring to a political revolution that would go beyond the limits of liberal democracy .
14 There was the call for a " scientific " approach that would dig beneath the formalities of the constitution into the harder practice of informal politics , political behaviour , and the process of public policy-making itself .
15 Is not this one of several proposals that would add to the costs of employing part-time workers ?
16 ‘ He put the proposition to us that he was forming a unit that would operate behind the lines .
17 I think Leeds function as a better team without him playing , when he does play I get the feeling that the other players sit back and wait for him to produce the move that will lead to the scores .
18 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA plans to pitch at the top-end of the volume workstation business with high-performance machines built around Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha RISC that will compete with the likes of Sun Microsystems Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp — if it can figure out how to market the things .
19 But perhaps the picture that will remain in the minds of the few now here who knew him will be that of a long , thin figure folded into the driving seat of a small , fast , bright red sports car , his hair billowing wildly , his eyes crinkling through large , horn-rimmed spectacles and his mouth twisted into a mocking , sardonic grin .
20 I give suggestions about savoury , sweet and fruit and vegetable dishes and also about food that will fit into the themes I have described .
21 No , I do not , because I believe that the electorate will judge by results and that , even before the trusts are up and running , they will begin to see the benefits that will flow from the trusts .
22 But a new round of haggling is now certain over the quality of the sound that will go with the pictures .
23 Chairman I 'd just like to vote this man 's attention for one brief minute on Appendix A , er the situation analyses from the work that will go into the Highways Committee service plan .
24 Whatever understanding of societies we gain in future , we do not now have a theory of ideology capable of explaining the myriad ways in which individuals perceive their situations , nor a theory of the social determination of character that will account for the vicissitudes of history .
25 Let's , like , build our own company that will look after the interests of creative people like us .
26 Of course , the fossil hunters will lose all the bones that will erode from the hillsides with no one to see them re-emerge into daylight .
27 Of course , the fossil hunters will lose all the bones that will erode from the hillsides with no one to see them re-emerge into daylight .
28 Any teacher who tries to devise a syllabus for a music class that will appeal to the members of the class for its relevance , or who attempts to attract the English class by giving them things to read or act that will speak to them in their own language is in danger of falling into the trap of ‘ thinking down ’ to his pupils , of condescending to them .
29 Does my right hon. Friend agree that to suggest that there is one kind of school that can cater for the needs of all kinds of pupils is an example of the naive theorising that has caused so many problems in education , which we are seeking to address today ?
30 They want to turn Sberbank from a dowdy savings bank into a universal bank that can compete with the likes of Germany 's Deutsche Bank .
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