Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [vb pp] by a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But what is censored in this way in one state has often either found its way into the radio output of another or been reported by a newspaper .
2 Comparisons of the size of hands or feet often occur spontaneously , or are prompted by a visit to a shoe shop or making handprints in wet sand , wet footprints by the paddling pool and so on .
3 Failing that , the case will be referred to the court by the commission , or by the Government , or be decided by a committee of ministers .
4 Letters of Request must be in the language of the authority requested to execute it ( or be accompanied by a translation into that language ) ; or in English or French , unless a party has made a reservation under Article 33 excluding the use of English or French ; or in another language which a Contracting State has declared its readiness to accept .
5 Other planning authorities prefer not to impose standard conditions but refer each application on its own merits , and whenever there is a likelihood of odour emission the matter is referred to the Director of Environmental Health and his advice either incorporated into the planning application or is covered by a condition .
6 By mid-afternoon I finally reached Inverkirkaig , not having seen anybody nor been passed by a car since leaving Ullapool .
7 But we are far from being at the end of the chain of slimming benefits that are achieved by a diet rich in natural fibre .
8 A tagset is the selection of grammatical wordclasses that are used by a system .
9 Given the location of the linear feature the GIS is able to define the boundaries of the buffer zone and extract those geographical features of the zone that are required by a user .
10 CREB is able to bind to promoters that are induced by a variety of agents other than cAMP ( including Ca 2+ ( 8 , 9 ) and the adenovirus E1A protein ( 10 , 11 , 12 ) ) and is thought to activate a functionally diverse array of genes in response to elevated cAMP .
11 and that each remain the same thing although being described by a variety of different er descriptions .
12 The politburo was also retained , rather than being replaced by a party presidium , although in keeping with the proposals for the latter body the politburo was now to include the leaders of the parties in the 15 republics .
13 Being struck by light , the Inspectors informed me , was statistically even less probable than being struck by a bolt of lightning .
14 Expenditure patterns should relate to outputs rather than being characterised by a list of resource inputs .
15 Anteating ( where " ants " are deemed for convenience to include termites — another convergence as we shall see ) is a " trade " that is filled by a variety of convergent mammals .
16 When a choreographer wishes to make a statement about dance that is inspired by a piece of music , he has to answer the question as to what style of dance is appropriate .
17 Since it is an exposition of the second part that is aided by a comparison with the ‘ Afternoon on the Sun ’ question and answers , I shall devote my remaining time to it .
18 One suggestion that is favoured by a number of commentators would be to alter the onus of proof .
19 I know from first-hand experience about the excellent work that is done by a number of legal aid practices and law centres in supporting asylum applicants .
20 Put another way , the area which can properly be called the ‘ tectonic Pacific ’ is one of relatively low altitude that is bounded by a ring of islands and mountains which have been — and are still being — formed by the geological processes that occur when one tectonic plate bumps into and grinds against another .
21 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
22 Presumably , many species perceive their environment in a way that is informed by a variety of concepts and inferential structures ( innate and acquired ) embodying everyday knowledge of the material world .
23 The intellectual stance that is taken by a friend on various issues of life should be understood because meaningful friendship is difficult between people who do not know , do not care about or can not comprehend the other 's thoughts or philosophy of life .
24 Less often , it 's her sleep that 's broken by a scream , and my turn to move across her in a sweat of protectiveness .
25 I actually have at the back which I will show in a minute , a costume that was worn by a woman in the eighteen-forties , and it shows how she has kept up with the fashion ; it is a fairly fashionable dress , but it is adapted for real life , for day to day life , for for the life of an ordinary middle class woman who had perhaps one or two servants , but had to do the running of the household herself .
26 ‘ And that dog that was gored by a boar this time last year . ’
27 In his youth , I discover , he too was sucked into a hippy cult that was dominated by a leader with suggestive powers .
28 He reached under the saddle a second time and drew out the steel-tipped phallus that was attached by a chain to the pommel .
29 When I made no response he turned and gazed at the far line of coral reef that was marked by a fret of white breaking water .
30 Yvonne Vladislavich was on a cabin cruiser that was caught by a wave and sank off Mozambique .
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