Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [vb pp] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the weaknesses of most African economies is an absence of large-scale entrepreneurs running manufacturing businesses , whether they have emerged from the informal sector or been trained by the corporate sector .
2 Many shops were boarded up , their owners having perished in the war or at the hands of the Komitehs , or been bankrupted by the collapsed economy .
3 Four issues stand out as being of crucial importance : how many distinct ‘ modes of production ’ are there ; in what order do these modes of production succeed each other and how is their sequence to be explained ; what forms of society necessarily correspond with , arise from , or are determined by the different modes of production ; and lastly , what are the forms of state , or political systems , that are characteristic of , or produced by , different economic structures and forms of society ?
4 In this context an assignment may be considered " terminated " , because it can not affect or be affected by the other process , and is free to terminate at any time .
5 However , traditionally , it was generally believed that , as a consequence of the wording of ss. 141 and 142 , once landlords assigned their reversionary interest they could only sue or be sued by the original tenant .
6 Readers can hardly remain passive consumers , or be seduced by the covert ideologies , of a text they have literally had to piece together , page by page , for themselves .
7 Needless to say this led to several incidents because the cattle came direct from farms and were not accustomed to being in pens or being handled by the general public .
8 The main areas of concern were the lack of fire resistance of the intermediate floors that are supported by the unprotected steel uprights of the bookstacks on the floor below , and the inadequate means of escape from the Reading Room area .
9 So I 'm not therefore an expert on the issues that are raised by the private care question and I hope you 'll be appropriately kind when it comes to the questioning .
10 There is no correlation at all between the number of types of relatives that are called by the same word and the number of legitimate sexual partners in marriage .
11 It is the ‘ all'-inclusive macro-redistributive studies that capture most interest in general , but these are the studies that are beset by the most problems at all levels .
12 In my judgment , provided the specified precondition is met , the only limitations on the type of order that can be made under section 6(2) that are justified by the statutory language are that the order must be intended to restore all the parties to the transaction to their respective former positions and that the steps directed by the order to be taken must be reasonably capable of doing so .
13 Indeed , it could be argued that it is only problems which are set within this framework that are viewed by the legal community as being properly legal .
14 They must also be performed and co-ordinated with the occupational gestures that belong to the location and that are employed by the particular inhabitants whose story , with its moods , emotions and actions , is being told .
15 This is because only about 40 per cent of total costs are ‘ specific ’ to particular sectors ; the rest represents facilities , such as track , signalling and administration , that are shared by the different sectors .
16 My hon. Friend expresses sentiments that are shared by the whole House .
17 ‘ Beautiful in summer , but no theatre or music , and in the cinema only films that are passed by the political commissar . ’
18 These equations , however , contain the derivatives of U , and hence they depend on the arbitrary functions f(u) and g(v) that are specified by the incoming waves .
19 A set of local laws that are obeyed by the various physical quantities .
20 He will , however , be expected to do something about the severe imbalances that are masked by the wonderful overall figures for economic growth .
21 You could choose to inspect a sample of cases that are chosen by the inspecting lawyer .
22 The only major Ottoman initiatives against the Karamanids in the years immediately before 822/1419 that are reported by the Turkish sources are two campaigns , apparently in successive years , in each of which the Ottomans defeated Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey and attacked Konya .
23 But rather than be diverted by the red herring of whether or not such a category should exist or by the tricky question of how love should be expressed outwith marriage , let us not look for the borderline .
24 The improvements would enabled users of the system to place orders whenever they wished rather than be bound by the 24-hour batched system currently in operation .
25 ‘ I think that any down-side would more than be offset by the increased simplicity which single pricing would bring the client , allowing him or her to see exactly what they are getting . ’
26 Gabriel fixed his gaze on the cloud pageants overhead or on Adam or on Lucifer or on God , rather than be distracted by the restless crowd .
27 They stayed quite still , smiling back at it , until it disappeared with a plop , leaving ripples of disturbance that were erased by the next wave .
28 The other European countries acted much more like the Romans : they had conquered large existing populations in the territories to which they had gone , and had established substantial colonies that were ruled by the sovereign power at home much more directly than was the case in the English colonies .
29 We followed up the representations that were made by the hon. Lady and by others on that point , and the regional offices of the Department of Employment have been in negotiation with TECs to try to establish the extent to which they need additional resources to meet the YT guarantee .
30 The remains of their meal were scattered around them , and some paper sheets that were tugged by the slight breeze off the sea .
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