Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [prep] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The guy who 's been in the business or been in the same patch or whatever it is for a long time ,
2 He is willing to extend his generosity to people who mean something to him or are of the same religion .
3 Different horses communicate in different ways , although those that live together or are of the same family are more likely to communicate in the same way .
4 The major reasons for a care order are that the children have themselves committed an offence , they are in need of care , protection and control , or they or another child of the same family have been victims of an offence or are in the same household as a person convicted of a serious offence such as manslaughter , cruelty or suchlike .
5 A fund manager is connected with an offeror or a target company if he is controlled by , controls or is under the same control as the offeror or the target , or any bank , stockbroker , financial or other professional advisers to the offeror or target , or is an investor in the consortium making the bid .
6 In the case of a connected fund manager exempt status is relevant only where the sole reason for the connection is that the fund manager is controlled by , controls or is under the same control as a financial or other professional adviser ( including stockbrokers ) to the offeror or target company .
7 Five or ten minutes by there , and getting introduced to all the old colliers that were in the same manhole , that we called it : I started down then to follow my father ; and I had to follow him like a little dog , all the way .
8 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
9 In this respect there is a certain similarity — hinted as , incidentally , by Spinoza himself — between substance and attributes ; both substance and its attributes , according to him , are " infinite " — i.e. they are ( unlike discrete things ) not limited by anything external that is of the same nature as themselves .
10 Nothing , in fact , could surpass the splendour those magnificent crowns of green , metal-sparkling crystals , which Mr Nicholson has contributed to the Exhibition ; they certainly represent the finest products of this new industry which have as yet been seen , and are at the same time significant symbols of the success which has rewarded the exertions of this distinguished manufacturer .
11 ‘ We believe that truthfulness , participation , accountability and freedom of choice in its broadest sense , are some of the ethics of democracy and are at the same time biblical values .
12 Dubhe and Merak are the Pointers to the Pole Star , and are in the same field with magnifications up to × 12 .
13 It is easily done as both his acute psychiatry ward and the alcohol unit looked similar and were on the same site , but he was adamant he wanted our service .
14 An application is an application for a renewal where it relates to premises in respect of which the applicant has been granted a licence which is due to expire and is for the same type of licence as that previously granted .
15 Walkerdine , recording interviews with and observing a working-class 6-year-old girl and her family in their home , uses fantasy to explore how she identifies with the family from her working-class childhood , and is at the same time distanced from it by her middle-class academic adulthood :
16 But , more specifically still , he saw fascist mentality as ‘ the mentality of the little man who is enslaved and craves authority and is at the same time rebellious . ’
17 This inhibition occurs at concentrations of 5ASA and N-acetyl 5ASA found in the rectal lumen of patients taking therapeutic doses of 5ASA containing compounds and is of the same magnitude as the reduction in IFN γ induced HLA-DR expression .
18 The contractor chooses one of the three who immediately becomes his responsibility and is in the same position as a domestic subcontractor .
19 ‘ Tuesday : We start ‘ early ’ , 3.30 pm , for music with John and the gentle , whimsical choreographer Geraldine Stephenson , who reveals she 's from Hull and was at the same school as me , Newland High School .
20 This observed acidification was greatest in the lakes at high elevation and was of the same magnitude as the current precipitation acidity in the region , that is pH 4.2 ( or 63 u eq/l ) , although mountain-top locations are frequently enveloped in cloud and mist characterized by very low pH values ( e.g. pH 3.6 or 250 u eq/l ) .
21 According to someone who knows both of them well and was on the same flight back to America with them from Frankfurt it was clear that Brandi had no prior knowledge of what was about to happen .
22 He played for Shropshire and Herefordshire boys and was in the same team as Sandy Lyle ; many years later they met in the final of the 1987 Suntory World Matchplay Championship and Woosnam became the first British winner .
23 Heads of department acquired heavier responsibilities , but were at the same time often grouped in wider partnerships — often known , somewhat grandly , as faculties — to encourage more interdisciplinary work and greater flexibility in the use of resources .
24 They were thrilled when they suddenly realized that not only had Tom Mix and Gloria Swanson been in the audience on opening night but were in the same room with them at the party afterwards .
25 As I 'm not only an Old Benedictine , but was in the same set as Matron — God help me ! — no-one 'll object after that .
26 This was partly because he was not exceptionally bright while being at the same time exceptionally unimaginative , but it was also because odd carvings and perilous tunnels were all in a day 's work .
27 The first is that of narrowing down the causal relation so as not to include , as being in the same self , mental states that belong to different selves .
28 The small businessman may not think of himself as being in the same league as the Maxwells and Murdochs of this world but if he produces leaflets , price lists , brochures or any other form of printed material , he has some degree of affinity with them .
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