Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 MP to check if SCSI card fitted , and if not to discuss specifications for a new machine .
2 Though almost certainly more tolerant than the norms observed by the police in deciding whether or not to take action against speeding motorists , these norms are somewhat less tolerant than those observed by some staff in areas of greater industrialization , as the following conversation with a field officer from such an area suggests :
3 There are those , mainly salaried , workers who are able to choose whether or not to leave work at the retirement age , leave prematurely , or perhaps work on .
4 The accurate hitting of targets in September owes much to the decisions made as to whether or not to confirm offers to those who have not quite met the conditions , a process strongly influenced by estimates ( based on past experience ) of the likely take up by those that have .
5 I quote from this report on secondary education because I find the debate about whether or not to withdraw pupils with special needs is one which occupies the minds of primary teachers as well .
6 It is clear that traders must continue to enjoy their right to decide on whether or not to do business with someone ( and on what terms ) ; and equally clear that there can be no universal consumer right to credit .
7 The local council is meeting about now to decide whether or not to petition Parliament about the Conservators request for more powers .
8 Yet it would be quite proper , and indeed is necessary , for non-scientists to have views about whether or not to buy meat for the coming weekend .
9 A solicitor will generally be free to decide for himself whether or not to accept instructions from a client , though he must always bear in mind the statutory obligation not to discriminate against potential clients on the grounds of race , colour , sex etc ( see Chapter 3 ) and he must refuse to act or to continue to act in any of the following circumstances : ( 1 ) where his client seeks to insist on the solicitor conducting his case in a way which would involve some breach of law or professional regulation ; ( 2 ) where the client 's affairs are outside his professional competence ; ( 3 ) if he suspects that the instructions purporting to come from his client do not in fact represent the client 's wishes ; ( 4 ) where the solicitor is unable to obtain confirmation from the client of instructions received from a third person ; ( 5 ) where there is or is likely to be some conflict of interest involving the solicitor himself , his client , other clients ( present , past or prospective ) , or the firm ; ( 6 ) where the solicitor may be a material and not merely formal witness in any proceedings ; ( 7 ) where another solicitor has already received instructions which have not been formally withdrawn .
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