Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the first time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Soutter , the fourth seed , thus beat the player who caused her exclusion from England 's world title-winning team , in a final that for the first time since 1979 contained neither of the Guernsey girls , Martine le Moignan and Lisa Opie .
2 Masha nodded , saying that for the first time since Geneva she could feel the attraction of Communism .
3 Commentators noted that for the first time since 1986 , the 1990 defence budget would fall below 1 per cent of Japan 's gross national product ( GNP ) — the decline being due more , however , to rapid economic growth rather than budgetary restraint .
4 The report examines published statistics showing that for the first time since 1911 , suicide rates are increasing for men , particularly those under 45 , while those for women have been dropping .
5 Jimmy Carter 's presidency , like that of Gerald Ford , began on an optimistic note with commentators deriving satisfaction from the fact that for the first time for eight years president and Congress would be in the hands of the same party .
6 One young farmer , Shermani Yussef , said that for the first time in his life he had been forced to lease some of his land to cover his losses .
7 He realised that for the first time in weeks he had not thought of school , Murray , Fairbrother or the wretched affair of the letter .
8 I pursued the howling dog , hands clawed and teeth bared , stopping only when my rage was replaced by the realisation that for the first time in my life I 'd put another human being before myself .
9 Food shortages and the lack of heating or lighting in towns , and the time-consuming difficulties of finding ways round them for city-dwellers , meant that for the first time in a century , if not longer , life in the country was not to be despised .
10 Mrs Frizzell found it impossible to forgive Mrs Dawson 's becoming a widow the same week as her party ; a history of Mrs Dawson one night , and the remarks the following night of the lady secretary of the United Nations ' Society on the role of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Cyprus , had meant that for the first time in years no report of Mrs Frizzell 's party appeared , though room had been found for a report on one of Mrs Murphy 's receptions .
11 DEC said that for the first time in six quarters it generated positive cash flow from operations and investments , even with restructuring activities .
12 " My only consolation is that for the first time in her life Horatia is in pain .
13 She now does yoga , and says that for the first time in her life she wakes up feeling calm and generally finds that thinking positively works .
14 Five years into his term , in 1972 , the BDDA at long last established headquarters at 38 Victoria Place , Carlisle , so that for the first time in its history the Association was run from its own national office by full-time paid officers .
15 Reviewing this same exhibition , both Allard and Apollinaire noticed that for the first time in several years the influence of Matisse and Fauvism was slight .
16 This is not just climbing on to a fashionable band-wagon , it is facing up to the fact that for the first time in the history of our science we are approaching a general theory of the earth .
17 One day perhaps , he thought , the bugger might be caught for sodomy and Athelstan vowed that for the first time in his life he might attend an execution .
18 Hope that for the first time in your life you 'll discover trust within yourself for another human being . ’
19 Not only has this reduced the operating costs , but it has also meant that for the first time in its history the Central Wales Line has been able to support a Sunday service ; indeed in July 1987 , one Sunday saw fourteen train movements , what with BR 's own service train , the various Recreation Ramblers , sponsored by the Sports Council , and two excursion rail tours .
20 Commenting on the Khmer Rouge position at the talks , the Independent of June 27 said that for the first time in three years of diplomacy , the group appeared " unsure of themselves , and nervous of being outmanoeuvred " .
21 And yet , in spite of the fatigue , he felt , good , as if for the first time in his life he had really stretched himself and grown up .
22 His aim was to boost flagging sales , and for the first time during the recession new cars came within the grasp of those who still had some cash .
23 He never came to the hotel drunk and for the first time for years worked almost to a routine .
24 After she fell in love with Astrid , she became Dragonfly Moonchild , the world her oyster , and for the first time on the daily journey , she saw an adventure playground over the hoardings by the Elephant and Castle , and all the poles were painted like a carousel .
25 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
26 The play features actors Catherine Aran , Maldwyn John , Merfyn Jones and for the first time with Bara Caws , Manon Prysor .
27 The government lost by one vote , 311 to 310 , and for the first time since October 1924 an administration had been voted out of office through a Commons vote .
28 But the whole incident has depressed me and for the first time since being diagnosed it occurs to me that I might be dying .
29 Once in the shadows we notice the gusting , frozen wind , and for the first time since arriving in Bolivia we feel cold while climbing .
30 While her unpleasant husband shut himself in his room and wrote letters , she explored the island with Paul Masson and for the first time in her life ‘ tasted and touched the salt , the sand , the seaweed , the odorous soft bed of the receding sea , the dripping fish ’ .
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