Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She looked as if she could have stepped straight out of an urchin 's game on the street of a Northern Italian village or off the front cover of Vogue .
2 So , where for the great mass of its members , the success of a consumer co-operative is now no more than a matter of marginal interest to them , for the members of an industrial co-operative it is quite otherwise .
3 Holders of one of the qualifications listed below who , in addition , may be required by the centre to undertake , prior to or during the early part of the course , a centre devised programme of bridging studies .
4 Was the figure of 40,000 million gallons of flood water to which James Rougvie refers passing Perth in an hour , a day or during the whole period of the flood ?
5 ‘ Ad hoc ’ is a Latin phrase meaning ‘ to that ’ ; in other words these bodies were appointed to devote their activities ‘ to that ’ purpose , or for the specific purpose for which they were appointed .
6 Or for the total luxury of the Hotel Golden Tulip St. Honore , three nights including flights at an unbelievable £292 .
7 The truth is that he only races as a personal challenge , or for the pure enjoyment of running .
8 It is important to know what help is forthcoming for you or for the elderly person for whom you are caring .
9 Provided that an applicant for the renewal of a licence or for the permanent transfer of a licence need not attend or be represented unless the applicant has been cited by the board to attend the meeting .
10 Given that there is no physical reason for either the strong antibiasing ( ) required on all scales , or for the non-zero value of , we do not consider this option further ( but see ref. 35 for an alternative view ) .
11 It is by helping newcomers , becoming a sponsor and by doing practical service of one kind or another for the group or for the Anonymous Fellowship as a whole that one gains greater insights into one 's own disease and greater humility and security in one 's own recovery .
12 We hasten to add that we adopt the above procedure without any deep reverence for psychiatric classification as such or for the psychiatric form of describing the person .
13 Inevitably the analysis is relatively crude since it is difficult to gather data about the financial circumstances of dementia sufferers or about the total amount of care provided for them in the community .
14 It would be unwise , therefore , to say anything to him of what he had learned about Ipuky 's sons from his first marriage , or about the other visitor to the City of Dreams .
15 Contrary to your account , there has never been a disagreement between the National Radiological Protection Board and the Ministry of Defence about this or about the general form of possible surveys .
16 As you get older , and your age group moves up the pyramid , getting slightly smaller , do you think that your group will need more , less , or about the same number of houses , hospitals and other services as those who go before you ?
17 They argued that sinners were quite unable to attain salvation through their own merits or through the long process of confession , repentance , and partial purification , and that justification or redemption was obtainable only at a stroke through the gift of faith from God made possible by Christ 's sacrifice .
18 A good deal can be achieved inexpensively through repair ( for instance of tom or loose pages ) or through the simple expedient of cleaning laminated covers .
19 Even when there was freedom to choose between various options , set books and so on , the menu itself was not open to negotiation , except in the special case of ‘ Mode 3 ’ , or through the protracted process of making representations to the Examination Boards .
20 Now that the causal effect of such life events has been established , the research effort is turning to ask how an event such as unemployment has its effect : is it through the loss of social esteem , through the decline of self-evaluation and self-esteem , through lack of cash or through the sheer effect of inactivity ( Eales 1986 ) ?
21 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
22 He could have learned who had perpetrated the deed either from Andrus or through the ordinary gossip of the bazaars .
23 I much prefer the system of devolved power to individual schools either by their becoming grant-maintained schools or through the local management of schools .
24 All over Europe sailors had been accustomed to drawing a meridian through a point in their own country or through the furthest point to the west out in the Atlantic that they could determine with any certainty , and English sailors had usually taken their fixed meridian from a point west of the Lizard ( the last promontory of land they could see as they left the English Channel ) .
25 With the notable exception of Britain most of them in one way or another involved the banks , either directly or through the fashionable device of the crédit mobilier , a sort of industrial finance company which regarded the orthodox banks as insufficiently suited to or interested in industrial financing and competed with them .
26 The problem of course with Christology for feminists is that Jesus was a male human being and that thus as a symbol , as the Christ , or as the Second Person of the trinity , it would seem that ‘ God ’ becomes in some way ‘ male ’ .
27 I will deal with the problems involved in regarding the way of non-violence as an absolute rule , or infallible guide to conduct , or as the right way in all circumstances without exception , in a later chapter on ahi sā .
28 Indeed , far from being seen as the fragrant components of pot-pourri or as the aromatic base for creams and lotions , herbs were the only vegetable element of the medieval and Tudor kitchen .
29 Accordingly Mystery Tour can be used as a supplement to any course at this level ( for example , Streamline Destinations , Headway Intermediate , or Fast Forward 2 ) or as the sole basis for a short course at this level .
30 Women living alone , or as the sole wage-earner in an all-female household , or widows with children were invisible , though statistically by no means insignificant .
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