Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To save the shot , you can then do one of two things : reframe the shot to exclude the sky , perhaps by moving to an angle where the sky is obscured by a building ; or , correct for the backlight either by pressing the backlight button or by making a manual adjustment to the iris ( depending on which facility is provided on your machine ) .
2 ( 3 ) That on the taking of the said accounts and inquiry costs of and incidental to proceedings on an indemnity basis are not to be disallowed on the ground that an order has already been made for costs of and incidental to those proceedings to be taxed on a standard basis unless it should appear that in making the said order the court intended thereby to deprive the defendants of the right to add those costs or some part thereof to the mortgage security .
3 They saw it as a betrayal of their promise that by making a full confession Blake would be more leniently treated and felt that such a heavy sentence would deter any future traitors from confessing .
4 It rested on two basic assumptions : that Britain 's power and influence in the world depended upon a sound economy ; and that by making the fullest use of nuclear weapons , missiles , and modern transport aircraft , men and money could be saved for the country 's economic benefit .
5 And she set out to do just that by making the little budgie one of Britain 's most popular pets .
6 Today there is scope for flair and creativity and for making a major contribution to AEA 's profitability . ’
7 The length of the adjusted pack was enough to cater for my unusually long back and after making a small adjustment to the shoulder strap attachment plates which can be swivelled to close or widen the gap between them at the neck , I had a very good fit .
8 ‘ They wasted no time in getting me up to the theatre , and after making the General promise not to take my arm off I gave a running commentary as the ether took effect .
9 On Sept. 24 , however , the communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) called off its two-month ceasefire , accusing the government of duplicity in pursuing attacks against the NPA , and of making a secret deal with the USA to keep the bases open .
10 A background paper ( Appendix D ) describes some of the limitations of conventional floristic and monographic writing , and outlines some of the ways in which computing can assist in conducting scientific research in these areas and in making the scientific information thus obtained available to ourselves and to others .
11 LASMO is committed to the welfare of its employees , the protection of the environment in which it operates and to making an active contribution to the local communities where the Group 's operations are located .
12 What Marx and Engels show is that since these ideas are examples of ideology , attributing to them causal primacy amounts to making them unquestionable , and to making the social order which they legitimate and organize — capitalism — free from possible challenge .
13 This can be tested both by examining the structure of the pot itself and by making a similar pot in this way to see if the result matches the pot being studied .
14 He would keep Eleanor on tap for these occasions by writing the odd letter and by making the odd phone call too , when he could quietly use an office phone .
15 Since the arrival of civilisation , providing for a family does not necessarily mean the direct production of food , clothing and shelter , but of making an adequate effort to provide these things by using the organisation of the society lived in .
16 It should be noted that the airline 's offence lay , not in having an overbooking policy but in making a false statement in its letter to the traveller .
17 Berkeley 's seventeenth-century predecessors were as anxious as he was to suggest that the regularity of nature is a manifestation of God 's goodness ; but in making an independent material world the cause of ideas , they give God a less crucial role than Berkeley does .
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