Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] many [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
2 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
3 As an illustration , he notes that despite the many differences between industrial relations under communist systems in certain countries such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia , and those under the capitalist system in Britain , the emergence of the shopfloor representative in the workplace as a crucial role-player is common to all , albeit making representations about different issues .
4 We hear very little about those localities where people are working away quietly with encouraging results , and about the many examples of excellent collaboration that protect so many children .
5 We pray for the church , for all who are followers of Christ ; O God , we pray for the work of the province of Jerusalem and the Middle East , and for this Diocese ; for Samir Kafity , our Bishop , for the Cathedral , for St George 's College , and for the many parishes throughout this province .
6 We are grateful also to Lord Flowers and all the speakers at various events and to the many members of the University who contributed to the public launch of the Campaign for Resource .
7 Favourite excursions are to the Habsburg castle , the very cradle of the Habsburg dynasty , perched on a hillock among green woods ; to several other castles in the area ; and to the many attractions of the countryside on the doorstep of Windisch .
8 These things can happen in the best of families , and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home , you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes , the same nose , and the same red hair .
9 Because of the many controversies within the educational system , and the strong teacher organisations , those responsible are extremely reluctant to comment at all .
10 Because of the many hours of sitting that we do , we lose the ability to squat or even the ability to sit down without falling down .
11 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
12 This insistence on knowing for sure and examining the facts of the matter is particularly important in dealing with the doubts which arise because of the many misrepresentations of Christianity today .
13 In the numerous " guides " which have been published over the years the entries are almost always short as in the many editions of Black or Baedeker , often copied , give a general description of the island and tell nothing about the way the people lived .
14 In the numerous " guides " which have been published over the years the entries are almost always short as in the many editions of Black or Baedeker , often copied , give a general description of the island and tell nothing about the way the people lived .
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