Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They are not considered to be non-viable either on the grounds of their isolation and remoteness from the communities they serve , or on the grounds that they are physically falling into a state of dilapidation .
2 he was n't going to let them go , I mean we were n't told any of that on the news , there was n't a word of that , it only be that from the papers that we 'd got
3 But you will appreciate that in the matters that he has pleaded , pleaded guilty to this morning , he in fact failed to produce his insurance , driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
4 Erm so do you feel that in the years that you 've worked here are women just as important in the factory and make up a large part of the workforce now as they , as they 've ever done ?
5 I would think that in the terms that you want to define it in , that statement 's true but I would n't necessarily agree with it .
6 What I would say is that we endeavour to counteract that on the reasons that I 've stated , by virtue of the fact that we invite them to read the policy .
7 It is a book that focuses on the questions that psychobiologists ask , rather than on the answers that they give to them .
8 Time and again we have heard tonight — especially from the hon. Member for Withington — about shortfall and about the measures that we should take to meet it .
9 I am aware of one educated patient , with known duodenal ulcer , who had started taking this medicine for headache , believing it to be Ayurvedic and despite the facts that it is labelled as containing 530 mg aspirin and 100 mg paracetamol and that he had been instructed by his doctor to refrain from all pain-relieving medications like aspirin .
10 Then they stared at each other in silence and saw into each other 's heart , sensing that each was a little afraid of what was to come , and of the powers that they felt were in their wings and across their lives and which had brought them together .
11 However , the claims of the majority of those seeking asylum here during the past few years — and of the cases that we have determined — were unfounded in United Nations convention terms .
12 Well it 's not of course , that 's absolute rubbish and of the cases that we 'll have here tonight , each of them if they are true are very very er unfortunate indeed , an and I would n't condone any of them if they 're true .
13 Houghton is a management analyst and appears to have only a hazy idea of how librarians organize book selection , and of the sources that they use .
14 I am fully aware of the importance of the independence of the courts and of the constraints that they face when sentencing juveniles .
15 Without actually giving her the details — and still keeping back the crucial fact of Christine 's death , which would have changed the tone of their conversations completely — Lucy had been able to give Josie some idea of her home situation and of the problems that she 'd caused with actions that she 'd felt to be right .
16 There is healthy eating available in today 's RAF , and with messing committees to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute their views and ideas , there seems wider appreciation of the skills of today 's cooks and of the results that they achieve with their limited financial resources .
17 The hon. Gentleman is in danger of becoming like a vulture scavenging around every incident , irrespective of the facts and of the accusations that he makes against other people .
18 If a B T employee did disclose information against all their training and against the rules that we 've got in place in B T , then we would obviously take that very seriously indeed and erm dismissal would no doubt follow if it was found that th the person had disclosed information .
19 other ones that we are definitely interested in and underneath the ones that we are not so interested in .
20 This suggests a very high degree of similarity in the mental structure that is brought to bear on the input by language learners and in the strategies that they employ in constructing and progressively modifying their internal grammar .
21 If we want to support the United Nations in its role and in the reorganisations that we have suggested , it is essential that we vote the means for that as well as talking about it .
22 There are many contradictions therefore in the relationship of women to housing , and in the demands that we might want to make .
23 Reviewing the information that is needed can have substantial and far-reaching effects on how senior executives think about business performance and on the decisions that they make .
24 The Board resolved to refuse the suggestion from the Ministry on behalf of the electors , and on the grounds that it was necessary to exercise tight control of expenditure in the public services !
25 To the former , I suggest you read The Rainment of Light by David Tansley and to the others that you try out the following experiment .
26 They travelled by ferry , and among the places that they visited were Paris , Lille and Bruges .
27 They should look at the Europe that will exist in five or 10 years ' time , at a Community with 18 or 20 members and perhaps even more , and at the interests that we have in common — security , defence , foreign policy , the environment , prosperity and peace in the world .
28 laughter so that by the time we came to do the five practical ev exercises you know everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood but I think that 's was it 's about but from the results that we were getting from the practical exercises clearly what he said had taken root you know roll key words , roll them around in your mind er try running through letters of the alphabet to match up with your key word chains and you know if if if the word is ball try roll see if you can get it to rhyme and ultimately the creme de la creme is if you can actually get the title of a song or
29 I did n't want to get into soap opera conversation about it with him , but on the occasions that we did talk about it , both of us felt that someone , with perhaps a little more eye on reality , would have realised that he should have been in hospital and not at home unable to reach oxygen .
30 but on the occasions that we are concerned with none of The Society 's locos had been in steam so therefore can not be blamed for the incident .
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