Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] are " in BNC.

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1 did before or after the events we are told of in the tales , and this holds for the great majority of the fabliaux .
2 It also has probably the finest and most ancient native pines in Scotland , venerable trees whose gnarled , weatherbeaten habit has more in common with old oaks than with the conifers we are used to seeing .
3 I SUPPOSE THIS WAR too was like all the others , but it was different , except in the ways they are the same .
4 1 Inform the patient of his return to the ward and of the procedures you are about to perform .
5 We also need to foster links with the many special interest groups within the horticultural and botanical communities who could benefit from our specialist knowledge and experience , and from the facilities we are able to offer them .
6 And within the towns they are attracted towards their centres .
7 The week will feature various lunchtime workshops and speakers and in the evenings we are having entertainments , such as films , a women only meeting/disco and a lesbian and gay night at a local nightclub .
8 Katharine Church has been painting portraits all her life , and at nearly 80 , has come to the conclusion that women portraitists are handicapped both by marriage ( in her case , to Anthony West , son of Rebecca West and H. G. Wells ) , and by the subjects they are ‘ allowed ’ to paint .
9 The arms carry spines ; in euryalid genera on the ventral part of the arm , while in the ophiurids they are carried laterally on the lateral arm plates .
10 As for the valleys they are in ; well , woods , hillsides , sheep and tranquillity have their point , not least during an election .
11 No-one in the Liverpool dressing room is left in any doubt as to the standards they are expected to achieve each time they are selected .
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