Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Although the nature of science teaching meant that there was far more contact between staff and students than in the humanities departments we shall look at , it was noticeable that staff were addressed by titles , not by first names .
2 You 've got an address , if you give that to the collators departments they can give you a name for the occupier can they ?
3 To the agriculturist it offers a basic form of protection against urban influences , and for the minerals industry it retains accessible , cheap , and exploitable natural resources .
4 After which he would announce , ‘ Just going next door to ring up my Popsie ! ’ , and into the Signals Office he would disappear to ring up his fiancée , a Wren Officer stationed at Portsmouth .
5 There was a bar on the premises , and on a YCs night it would be filled with the laughter and gossip of young drinkers , some below the legal age of drinking .
6 But with the arms industry you are talking about very powerful people — both inside and outside the country .
7 But in a games lesson they push you to do so much
8 It was impossible for Maradona to play in Rome because of the Pounds 2.5m he owes the Italian tax authorities following his turbulent spell at Napoli , where two inspired Championships were overshadowed by sordid drug and racketeering allegations .
9 The male Surrealists used the female body to express an idea , whereas for the women artists it was a very concrete reality .
10 The question that now clamours for an answer is clear : why in the Exodus complaint stories does God immediately respond by performing miracles of salvation , while in the Numbers stories he replies with miracles of devastating destruction , or , in the case of Numbers 20 , with salvation overshadowed by terrible condemnation ?
11 Most importantly the Chardonnay in the grand cru sector has risen from nearly a third to over a half of the vines cultivated , while in the premiers crus it has dropped from just under a half to less than 40% .
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