Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 In fairness it should be added that for the female guests the question of rooms was as much an affair of space as of rank , since many arrived with anything up to 25 pieces of luggage , clear proof that at Compiègne , unlike Fontainebleau , style played a primary role .
2 He believes that during the inter-war years the three sections of the upper class virtually fused together as they all became increasingly involved in the growing industrial enterprises .
3 USING THE American motion picture industry as a gauge of public interest it would seem that through the post-war years the American public was content to uneasily ignore the catastrophe that was Pearl Harbor .
4 Although for the upper classes the Pax Romana in the age of the Antonines ( second century AD ) came as a great opportunity to concentrate on and uphold the customs of their local town or district , for humbler men it Provided wider horizons and unprecedented opportunities for travel .
5 It is clear from the above that under the new provisions the general principle is that only a private investor has a right of action for a contravention to which s.62 applies .
6 Mr Gummer argues that under the new proposals the least efficient farmers would have , ‘ no incentive to improve and every incentive to go into reverse and avoid the impact of the new system by artificially dividing the land ’ .
7 Washing facilities are another priority , although in the early stages the patient might be washed in his room , as though he were in hospital .
8 If such an arrangement has the result that the group , taken as a whole , can not avoid payments , the FRED would require that in the consolidated accounts the instrument be reported as a liability .
9 Van den Boogard suggested that in the Anglo-Norman fabliaux the author assumes what he calles the persona of the clerk , i.e. a character looking for respect and admiration for his ability to tell a fascinating tale of intrigue ( inter alia ) , whereas a French author is more likely to adopt the persona of the jongleur , shocking by his anarchism but amusing at the same time through his self-mockery .
10 Mr. Newman also submitted that in the above circumstances the order for committal of the applicant was an abuse of the process of the court , and for that reason the court should exercise its discretion to refuse to make such an order .
11 I 've enquired of the regular users of this service and they tell me that on the following days the advertised journeys did not take place :
12 It was held that at the relevant stages the seller could sue for the instalments then due .
13 Paintings , drawings , and portraits are other useful pictorial sources , and for the Middle Ages the decorations and embellishments in medieval manuscripts , books of hours and church panels form another excellent pictorial source .
14 Ah , but you 're going to be getting some extra police officers by taking them off er , paperwork , er you 're gon na get two thousand three hundred I see in the press , well that as shown , that of course will be twenty three , but if anybody here thinks the Chief Constable 's gon na produce twenty three new police officers through reductions in paperwork and through the other initiatives the Home Secretary has announced , well I do n't believe them , and we shall have to wait and see .
15 Later , in the autumn of 1912 , Picasso moved to Montparnasse , and during the following years the differences in their work began to become apparent , but the same friendly relations were maintained .
16 Both slow movements are warmly and elegantly done , and if in the outer ones the soloist sometimes seems to be hell-bent on reaching the winning post first , the orchestra keeps up with ease .
17 ‘ The officials at Preston have been nothing but encouraging and in the early days the coaching staff put in a lot of time to make up for my lack of experience .
18 None of us really knew what we were going to see , and in the early days the tapes were rather artificial because the lessons were all so well prepared , the kids knew they were going to have a video in the classes , it did n't mean that they were always well behaved !
19 Most of our population stock arrived later , from northern Germany and Denmark , as shown in the place names of most of England and southern Scotland , and in the Middle Ages the Kingdom of Scotland was one of the poorest areas of Europe .
20 Gradually weight loss occurs despite a good diet , and in the final stages the person ceases to recognise the family or even the self in the mirror , loses bladder and bowel control , any capacity for self-care or ability to communicate in words .
21 In the last years of the Soviet Union and in the new republics the militia found itself dealing with a level of public demonstration — and sometimes disorder — of which it had no previous experience , and it did not always deal efficiently with them .
22 Many of the most committed Calvinists , who had wrestled for lengthy periods with the doctrine of predestination before finally convincing themselves of the assuredness of their salvation , reacted with fury and outrage to Arminius 's teachings , and in the United Provinces the resulting theological controversy provoked a major political crisis , culminating in the defeat of the Arminians at the Synod of Dort in 1618 .
23 Although for a mile around no tree grew , some vegetation had found a root-hold in the crevices of its walls , and on the worn battlements the lightning revealed a dwarfed tree drooping like a flag under the incessant downpour .
24 Beneath and beyond the flocking starlings the evening air was alight with the flight of swifts which wheeled and dived with a speed which dazzled Creggan .
25 In elections held in May 1990 the NLD had won an overwhelming victory , but during the following months the ruling military junta ( the State Law and Order Restoration Council — SLORC ) had shown little indication that it was planning a transfer of power to civilian rule .
26 Very gifted , but in the early days the ensemble was not always very good .
27 The school had a capacity to accept 625 boys but in the relevant years the school was not full to capacity .
28 She slept at last , but in the small hours the nightmare returned .
29 A considerable number of drive circuit configurations are available , but in the following Sections the discussion is limited to two of the best-known types .
30 Erm I know it 's associated with over extraction of water at certain points but but be that as it may , but in the old days the Sussex Lands Committee er used to be er a county function and did take an overview erm of the whole West Sussex scene in terms of what happened erm it is now really now erm not our responsibility , although we put members on it , it 's a now fairly weak er joint body but it 's pretty toothless .
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