Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Always put the cleaner first onto a clean , lint-free cloth to stop fluids getting into ventilation slots or between the keys of the keyboard .
2 Superb photographs illustrate the remarkable life-cycles of ferns and their close relatives , and their extraordinary adaptability — for example , ferns growing in impenetrable mangrove swamps or between the boulders of the Mexican desert .
3 6.1 As respects all information as is directly or indirectly communicated to it by another Party ( hereinafter called the supplying Party ) under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the Project ( including technical information or otherwise relating in any manner to the business or affairs of such other Party ) the recipient Party hereby undertakes to the supplying Party that it will until five years after Completion or abandonment of the Project treat the same as ( and use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the same be kept ) confidential and will not disclose the same to any other person without prior written consent of such other Party in each case except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Agreement .
4 However , very little is known about the extent of this trade or about the mechanics of the transactions which take place .
5 It 's , certainly erm well attended , there 's , you know thousands of people attend and basically it centres around erm , a fire , Beltane means erm , sacred fire and erm a procession of drummers leads me to top of a path and along Carlfa , Carlton Hill and erm fire sculptures are lit around me and I unfo ha have this great costume that I unfold in and erm process round the hill and round hill are different performers erm painted in different colours to represent different elements of nature , and finally we come to this big fire where which I light with hands , which have been sculpted and bannocks are given to the people to eat , and erm the tradition that you 're supposed to cross the fire as a sort of a erm purification ceremony or or through the ashes of the fire .
6 A careful consideration of the nature of virtues , or of the lives of the saints and apostles may help , as will meditation on the Passion and Mary , whose virtues enabled Christ to be born and make manifest the wisdom and goodness of God .
7 But Attlee and others believed that Britain could not act without the support of or against the wishes of the United States .
8 Whether these groups work for or against the interests of the company depends to some extent on the type of supervision they get .
9 Mr. Gow : While recognising the undoubted right of all members of the General Synod to deeply held views for or against the policies of the present Government , would it be helpful if my right Hon. Friend were to point out to the General Synod that its reputation would be enhanced if its members , when in Synod , devoted more time to matters spiritual than to matter political ?
10 The Chamber of the House of Commons was damaged by bombs during the Second World War and when deciding whether it should be rebuilt as it was originally , or along the lines of the Houses of Parliament in Ottawa and elsewhere in the Commonwealth ( ’ one representative : one desk ’ ) , Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee , with other senior politicians , plumped for the old ways — and the old ways were those of adversarial politics .
11 I slept in graveyards or along the steps of the churches and woke hollow-eyed and sick with hunger to the oaths of the men-at-arms , the mocking jeers of cheapjacks and mountebanks , the clatter of hooves and the crazy jangle and flurry of hundreds of city bells .
12 They must therefore retain the property to which an infant is entitled till he attains full age , and meanwhile deal with it under the directions of the will or settlement or under the orders of the court .
13 Nor will a network of single-purpose bodies find it easy to co-ordinate services either with one another or with the services of the districts or boroughs .
14 A magistrates ' court may transfer private law proceedings where in the interests of the child they could be dealt with more appropriately in the county court ( APO , art 8 ) .
15 Such a spreading strategy is useful when the price of the middle contract is out of line with the prices of the near and far contracts , and the trader is not able to predict whether the adjustment will be primarily in the price of the middle contract , or in the prices of the near and far contracts .
16 It may , of course , happen that he deliberately holds himself out as a partner for his own private benefit and not in the course of his work or in the interests of the firm .
17 One of the most commonplace simplicities in the 1980s was that there were two alternative forms of industrial relations available to employers in Britain : one was based on employee involvement , flexible forms of work organisation , single-union deals or no union representation and the other persisted with multi-union representation , traditional forms of work organisation , strict workplace discipline and offered employees little opportunity for direct participation in their work or in the affairs of the enterprise .
18 or in the leg-feathers of the deafening macaws .
19 Even the half-mortals do n't know — they still think Undry 's lost , or in the hands of the dark powers .
20 He obviously thought her friends would either be dead , or in the hands of the Gestapo .
21 Of course , there was the continual ringing sound of the quarryman chipping away the stone at Tilly Whim or in the bowels of the earth under Cowleaze .
22 If anyone had been there , thought Dalgliesh , there was plenty of opportunity for concealment behind the hunks of concrete or in the crevices of the sandy cliff .
23 As subsequently printed , the purpose of aid programmes in Southeast Asia was ‘ to demonstrate that the local national governments are able to bring benefits to their own people and thereby build political support , especially among the rural population ’ , or in the words of the Country Report prepared for the director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program : ‘ to ensure the existence of governments … which represent the legitimate nationalist aspirations of those Indo-Chinese people who do not desire to see communist-orientated governments in Indo-China ’ .
24 In the modern period such stalemates could occur in the struggles of the bourgeoisie to break the grip of the feudal aristocracy under an ancien régime , or in the struggles of the proletariat in an industrial society to destroy capitalist control .
25 A receptionist will not normally overbook unless it is done in compliance with the policy of the management of the hotel , or upon the instructions of the reception manager .
26 This may be to acquaynt you that their is a pore yong women in oure Towne of Asston-underlyne infected with a filthy deceassed called the French poxe and shee saith shee was defiled by one Henry Heyworth a maryed man , but soe it is the report of that dessease occasioneth neighbours to deny hir harbour and shee is enforced to lye in the streetes and in great danger to bee starved , I do humbly intreate your worshipps to take it into your consideration and to grant your Order that the pore woman may be provyded for to prevent starveing , either upon the parrish charges , or upon the Costs of the said Heyworth whom she saith hath spoiled hir , whether yiur worshipps shall think fitt
27 In relation to the primary task model , one acceptable indicator of success in achieving the transformation ( ie collecting and transferring information about legitimate expenses ) could be the occurrence of queries , either from the claimant with regard to the expenses received , reflecting the accuracy of the information transferred , or from the recipients of the claim forms , eg the personnel section and the finance department .
28 In the sixth arrondissement , between the Boulevard Saint-Michel and the Rue des Saints-Peres , the Seine and the Luxembourg , about one hundred folk are traced , as they moved their operations from the Flore to the Deux Magots to the Brasserie Lipp or from the brothels of the Rue Gregoire de Tours to the cheap hotels , La Madison and La Lousiane but especially Le Montana .
29 Unless there is to be a capital reduction of Target , the buy-in of shares must for company law purposes be effected out of Target 's distributable profits or from the proceeds of the issue of new shares .
30 The Dorsal Arms of the Tentorium — these arise not as invaginations of the wall of the head but as outgrowths either from the body of the tentorium or from the bases of the anterior arms .
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