Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may be done by deeming a certain level of turnover during any such period or by reverting to the open market rent .
2 It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that with regard to the explicit curriculum , RE has to fight for its life — constant vigilance is the necessary price it pays for retaining any foothold at all in a curriculum groaning under the weight of other priorities .
3 For now , the point I wish to make is that in regard to the notional/functional syllabus , although there is a change in the way of describing the content units for language teaching , this change tends to be assimilated into traditional and well-established ways of thinking about the syllabus as a pedagogic construct .
4 Barth suggests that in pointing to the delusional nature of ideology he is indulging in an idolatry of science characteristic of his time but equally delusional ( Barth 1977 : 110 ) .
5 Despite few policy differences between the two major parties , the PNM exploited widespread fears that in agreeing to the temporary residence of 100 Haitian refugees , Robinson was seeking to change the racial mix in a country where race relations had become a major political and social issue .
6 But what many people do n't realise is that long-term conservation , particularly in the Third World , is going to depend , whether we like it or not , more on the economic state of the country than on appealing to the better nature of its politicians .
7 Note that by adhering to the subject-before-predicate principle , the translator of the above extract has had to ignore the principle of end-weight .
8 More experience of the day-today work of committees is obtained by deciding the cost of a plate of soup on the Catering Committee than by listening to the high arguments of policy on the Governing Board of the college .
9 He also denies a further charge of conspiring to the unauthorised modification of computers and of conspiring to the unauthorised access of computer material .
10 Nonetheless the suggestions outlined in this paper would put new teachers in a strong position to teach language awareness , and make them familiar with important issues in the social dimensions of language in Britain today , both with respect to minority languages and with regard to the linguistic needs of society as a whole .
11 Many considerable advances were taking place in scientific discovery with regard to the structure and composition of the physical world surrounding human beings , and with regard to the physical nature and make-up of human beings themselves .
12 and with regard to the three bedrooms do you actually need three bedrooms or if a a two bedroomed cottage came up with perhaps an extra room downstairs or something would that be okay ?
13 Wives could have a very real part to play in this and in attending to the sick stock .
14 One veteran observer of the New York museum scene summarised the insular society 's predicament : ‘ During the 60s , 70s and 80s when all other institutions realised that there was no way that they could build up an endowment without catering to the masses and without appealing to the federal government , museums went with cap in hand ; they saw this was now the game .
15 Why did n't he know most things by intuition — and by listening to the other animals talking ?
16 Ambassador Lipski had begun to complain to Göring that German newspapers like Der Stürmer and Der Gessilige from Pila were stirring up resentment against the Poles throughout the border districts by referring to the forcible separation of Danzig from the Reich , and by referring to the Polish Corridor as land ceded to Poland .
17 If by submitting to the one guilt he could evade all suspicion upon the worse count … he is quite shrewd enough , I fancy , to make the choice and quite durable enough to abide it .
18 There is little in this which is peculiar to a solicitors ' partnership dispute but with regard to the last noted remedy the court recognises the great and possibly irreparable harm that could be done by appointing a receiver over a professional firm and may be reluctant to make such an order at the behest of one disaffected partner ( see Floydd v Cheney [ 1970 ] Ch 602 and Sobell v Boston [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 1587 ) .
19 On issues like this Coetzee 's sensitivity and grasp of detail are shown to good effect : but with regard to the broader historical significance of these organizations he is less assured , and he leaves untouched some of the more important questions raised by his work .
20 But before turning to the central question of what ideals men and women should adopt , it is worth speculating a little about what it is that causes these observable differences of moral outlook .
21 This does not mean that the intellectual therefore nihilistically celebrates dispersion , fragmentation or relativity : rather she or he is the person who , facing such dispersion but without conceding to the nostalgic desire for totalization , poses the questions and constitutes the series and continuities for analysis — and thus for transformation — while attempting to respect its heterogeneity .
22 This is best explained , not by suggesting that they do not have interests in common or that they are satisfied with things as they are , but by attending to the crushing significance of those ideas in society which preach that to be poor is an individual 's own fault and reflects his or her lack of preparedness to study and train , to work hard , to postpone having a family , or what have you .
23 The tsar was personally reassured by the kaiser but by adding to the shadowy Dreikaiserbund a special relationship with Austria-Hungary , Bismarck had begun the slow elaboration of alliances which were to divide Europe more and more down to 1914 .
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