Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [adv] [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 and then they do er conduct some experiments on animals , and you know , that that again is a question , erm
2 We have the Association for the Disabled for the blind , we have Age Concern but there is n't a for the mentally or for mental health or for whatever it might be called , and these groups are very useful in providing a focal point for liaison between statutory organizations , including the health service , and the users and carers , and providing points of lobbying concern , points on which we can comment and that that increasingly is the way we 're working in the community care consultation process .
3 Rather than spoil the fun I 'll content myself by saying that this really is a flight of fancy even fantasy and one that , questioning our all-too-ready acceptance of linear perspective , makes this whole adventure very worthwhile .
4 But , as she all at once realised that he thought , actually thought , that she had been pumping his secretary about him , so a tide of pink warmed her cheeks , and , ‘ Nothing ! ’ she exclaimed hotly , more startlement hitting her as it dawned on her that this then was the reason for his fury when he 'd seen them together .
5 It is possible that this too was the resurrection of a much older trend , possibly as old as the Hudsonian-Ketilidian-Laxfordian-Svecofennian orogeny of Archaean times .
6 The authors argue that this too was an act of desperation , not part of a grand design ; and that he construed his famous interview with the American ambassador , April Glaspie , as a ‘ green light ’ .
7 Apparently cystic abnormalities within the biliary ducts of several of the present patients do not appear to have been recognised in other contexts : it is suggested that these too are a constituent of the radiology of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis .
8 If the goods are described to you as seconds , shopsoiled , slightly imperfect , if any phrase like that is used I think your own commonsense should tell you there 's something wrong with these goods and that presumably is the reason why they 're reduced in price .
9 And that again was a bit of a shock to the family concerned .
10 And that essentially is the difference .
11 Erm , and that really is the end of , as it were , I beg your pardon , yes .
12 And that really is the reason I think for one of the reasons for P P G seven being brought out .
13 To maintain existing levels of service , and that was the the budget that was approved by the Policy Committee in November , but , with the rider that the erm , the the overall budget would be review reviewed in January in the light of the Revenue Support Grant Settlement , and that still is the position .
14 If that really is the way the authorities are now thinking — and ‘ readers ’ letters ' have long been notoriously close to official thinking in East Germany — then the government could find it is courting unprecedented disaster .
15 But Balboa 's hill — if that really is the hill to which William takes his occasional visitors — is quite unmarked .
16 And memorable too was the dance of the Earth in her bloody red dress — rapacious and , equally , hunted .
17 Erm I am confident that Eurofighter are grasping the thorny problem now in a very businesslike way and er are making the individual partner companies fully accountable for the systems for which they have design responsibility and this again is a aspect of the renegotiation of the contract which we think is very important and we 're determined that er this will happen .
18 The significance of Rookes v. Barnard was that it made it clear that a threat of a breach of contract was unlawful for this purpose but the criticism has been made ( and this indeed was the opinion of the Court of Appeal ) that if intimidation is extended to threats to break contracts ‘ it would overturn or outflank some elementary principles of contract law , ’ notably the doctrine of privity of contract , which holds that one who is not a party to a contract can not found a claim upon it or sue for breach of it .
19 Mary Jane says she enjoys things that bring back memories and this really is a home where every object tells a story .
20 And this really was the basis therefore of the first films , they were really demonstrations that pictures could move , and this was sufficient for people to pay a few pence to come in erm and look at the films .
21 You must make your feelings known and ask him if this really is the case .
22 But if this really was the sum of Hoover 's sexuality — sad , mean and sporadic , a slight release from the need to control himself utterly — he seems almost pitiable .
23 If this indeed is the pattern , it is clearly important to know whether or not regulation is effective in maintaining standards and what its impact is on the supply of services .
24 And perfect too is the reception committee that tumbles out of the door as our tyres rasp on the gravel : two golden-haired children , two golden retrievers , and one golden wife .
25 The only feature of the city shared by rich and poor alike was the atmosphere , and as time went on the manufacturers stopped living next to their mills , as Robert Thornton does , and retreated further and further into the suburbs .
26 They clung to each other almost fearfully as though they believed that , in the whole of this alien and bewildering world , only the two of them had any real substance ; as if all else was an illusion .
27 Besides the circular helix , much the best known naturally occurring helix and also the most interesting and beautiful mathematically is the concho-spiral , adopted in all coiled gastropod shells and some others such as the group of protozoans known as Foramenifera .
28 ‘ Point the hour hand at the sun , then halfway between the hand and twelve o'clock is the north — south line . ’
29 That had been strange enough , but stranger yet was a footnote to the file : a footnote that revealed that far from the Aristotle File being the work of Soren Berdichev , as was claimed on the file itself , it had , in fact , been compiled and authored by the boy .
30 But that also is the case , I mean er er , a lot of time th the actual design of our houses does n't lend itself for us to actually look even if you 're you 're permanently looking out the window .
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