Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [vb -s] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Further quantitative analysis may be carried out for consonant structure , liquid confusion , lengthening , palatalisation and order of acquisition of consonants , although this requires the test to be tape recorded and can be successfully completed only by someone with a sound knowledge of phonemic analysis .
2 The reason for this is that Field 's New Tribe is imbued with the rather vague mission of transmitting ‘ Western techniques ’ to traditional societies and although this opens the door to many fascinating details about the structures of culture contact , it is at a rather high level of generality for explanatory purposes and it seriously underplays the role of the classes responsible for capitalist expansionism .
3 Ocean-mining companies would be premature in thinking that this offers a solution to their problems .
4 ‘ And I do n't need to tell you , ’ he continued , ‘ that this means a lot to Woodline .
5 When potential problems , such as lack of appropriate living options , inadequate pensions and enforced dependency on ageing carers , are added to this objective reality , it is not difficult to see why many older disabled people feel that ageing represents a threat to their independence .
6 ‘ I anticipate he will be back to the form he showed in Sweden , and that spells a threat to Italy . ’
7 That 's where the blood leads by , okay , on that side of the heart the left hand side of the heart it 's being pumped and therefore the muscle is a bigger muscle , that 's doing the contracting , the blood push out and it relaxes back again and that allows the blood to be sucked back down into the heart , okay , and the next time it 's shh , that goes out and then it relaxes down again and the blood sucks back down into the heart , okay so that 's what it does , all the muscle can do is that , muscle can only retract and then it relaxes , contract and then it relaxes , that 's what the heart 's doing all the time , how many beats a minute ?
8 I think in a democratic society we restrict the security services and that gives the advantage to the terrorists , ’ he said .
9 And that means an end to the gripe of Northern Ireland people having to pay an ‘ add on ’ supplement to get to Heathrow or Gatwick for their intercontinental flight .
10 There there was a very substantial increase in ninet ninety ninety-one , and I 'm happy to say that , all but two of those projects have been fully funded by sponsors , and in fact , our policy now , and this is operated from the the first of April this year , is that all projects shall be fully funded by sponsors , and that includes a contribution to the overheads that erm , the projects incur .
11 If that makes a difference to you , I hope you 'll write to me .
12 In some programs files have to be inverted overnight and this requires the microcomputer to be switched on over a long period of time .
13 The papers and the TV , which never published a true picture of JFK when he was alive , are still unwilling to alarm the paying customers with anything too toxic , and this leaves the field to movie directors , historians and writers of fiction .
14 There are five membership categories , the cheapest being a ‘ follower ’ at £10 per year and this includes a subscription to ‘ Lifewatch ’ magazine , an entrance ticket to London Zoo , additional money-off entrance vouchers , a car sticker and a lapel badge .
15 Even in the first week of June , when potatoes were a foot high and oilseed rape was in glower , snow fell on high ground , and this makes a difference to what you can grow successfully .
16 And this makes a difference to the role of data .
17 If this reduces the flake to a silver grey powder , then what you have is something other than gold ; if not , then well done !
18 The relationship between constructs 1 and 5 shows the extent to which the dimension ‘ masculine-feminine ’ is perceived along the same plane as ‘ savage-civilized ’ with the positive ( savage ) pole deriving its assonances from aspects of the jungle , snake and moon .
19 The visitor enters the gateway of the Armenian patriarchate and first sees the chapel to the left of the cathedral , a small building of yellow stone which appears to contain some religious relics behind sheets of unwashed glass .
20 Of course , this reflects the very different role of the American courts vis-a-vis other governmental institutions but , as we saw in the discussion of courts and rights ( chapter 18 ) , if one has no right to information it becomes extremely difficult to exercise all manner of other rights .
21 You could use the wibbly-wobbly cursor , but this reduces the game to a one-button outing with precious little to do .
22 If the former can not be allowed to happen because this spells an end to society , then external coercion must come to replace internal restraint ; and drives which can not be inhibited and redirected by the ego and superego must instead be mastered by agencies of social control .
23 The surface may be bowed into a curve by tensioning the two cross-spars and , while this contributes a lot to stability , the Rokkaku is still a single line fighting kite .
24 These are marked by three of the dancers whilst another performs a solo to a short phrase .
25 Underneath the veneer of participatory management , it is business as usual — and business as usual represents a threat to America 's long-term capacity to compete .
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