Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [was/were] just [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact I cried when I got to the top , but I think that that was just a release of emotion .
2 Right that that was just a letter for reference anyway
3 Yeah that that was just the ideas it had .
4 Diane told herself that this was just a kind of paranoia on her part , an over-apprehension that came from reading too many doctor articles in women 's magazines , but it did n't make her any less uneasy .
5 ‘ In case you were thinking , ’ he concluded , ‘ that this was just a quarrel among blacks , a spot of faction-fighting .
6 But this was just a game , and before some one points out that the stock market is itself just a game ( for somewhat privileged people ) , I should add that this was just a family game being marketed in Sheffield for Christmas .
7 Then I realized that this was just the beginning .
8 ‘ Little did I know that this was just the tip of an Iceberg , frozen on chat shows , enlarged on British Telecom commercials and now floating treacherously towards me .
9 The report acknowledged , however , that this was just the tip of the iceberg .
10 Earlier that morning Wexford had quoted Justice Shallow and now , as he contemplated Jolyon Vigo 's house , he thought that this was just the sort of place Shallow might have lived in .
11 Considering that this was just the period when women were making history , Thompson has got it very wrong indeed .
12 The Young King had been pressing for permission to go on a pilgrimage to Compostella but Henry II , believing that this was just an excuse to get away from his watchful eye , had instead ordered him to help suppress the rebellion in Aquitaine .
13 and that was just a bowl of soup and a , a roll
14 Getting it out and that was just an armchair do n't know what they 'd do if they had to move the settee , but erm , that 's the difference in
15 Garbo , Garland , Gardner , Garson and Gable were there — and that was just the Gs — but the old grey Mayer was n't what he used to be , and he had been ousted from MGM by the time Nicholson arrived as a messenger boy .
17 If that was just a warning I did n't want to be around when they got really nasty .
18 er and I 'll be the first to recognize that and this was just a sort of the ball park stats that you were looking for .
19 And we 've now reached a situation in which there 's something over twenty percent of our streets is multiple occupation , erm and this is noise and other activities in relation to that are the things that cause the sort of low level of concern , and this was just the peak on top of that of major aggravation .
20 If you looked at it philosophically , the whole thing about big and small was just a matter of size .
21 But that was just a hope he 'd been tossing at me for a couple of years without any interest from me .
22 The hand-claps sometimes seemed to be keeping time with my leisurely steps as I wandered under the arcades in the hot night , but that was just a coincidence .
23 And I do n't know it was truth he said I 'm just collecting all the mole skins for somebody 's mo For a coat , but that was just a story I think .
24 But that was just a full-dress rehearsal .
25 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
26 I I th I thought I thought it was I S actually from the way you said it the first time , but that was just a guess .
27 But that was just the way I 'd learned to think in the mountains .
28 She wanted to dine with him , of course she did — but that was just the trouble .
29 well they are now , my daughter now has a proper bum bag , but this was just a school , purse for school , just for break time .
30 But this was just a dentist 's waiting room and it made him wonder what the rest of the house would be like .
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