Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [is] still [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That this is still a source of embarrassment can be seen from the New English Bible , where Simon is introduced , with euphemistic caution , as ‘ Simon the Patriot ’ .
2 The Centre 's experience is that this is still the case , and the importance of some sudden reversal in family fortunes as a cause of debt was underlined by our own interviews ( Appendix 11 , section 5 ) .
3 I dig violent music [ The Doors ’ ‘ Light My Fire ’ is howling in the background ] but you got ta remember that this is still the East .
4 A London spokesman for Mr Bond said yesterday : ‘ He has intended all along to meet his commitment to BSB , and that is still the situation . ’
5 And that 's still the way it is now , I 'm afraid . ’
6 However , this has not prevented other European countries from establishing legislation which demanded component change to achieve desired results , and this is still a trend .
7 The main attraction of B&B is that it has always been far cheaper than hotels and this is still the case .
8 And this is still the case with older folk .
9 When first introduced , it was customary to give daily injections for periods of ten to twenty days , and this is still the practice in many clinics both in this country and elsewhere in the world .
10 If this is still the case next May he apparently wins a Swiss watch from The Sun in honour of the acheivement !
11 But that 's still no problem , the breadhead says .
12 yeah , no , but that 's still a paper though is n't it ?
13 Nowadays the island is more developed but this is still a favourite and convenient ‘ watering hole ’ .
14 But this is still a chore I could do without .
15 Perhaps the slow movement misses out on exploratory shadings , but this is still a performance that can hold its own beside the finest currently available — which is to say Mintz and Bronfman on DG .
16 But this is still a reading of great insight which I shall often return to , for it offers much food for thought .
17 It is true that , in very loose , open hierarchies , people in different hierarchical levels do form friendship groups , but this is still the exception rather than the rule .
18 As Dr Wallace Hooper , quality systems manager , points out , ‘ the unit operations still use 1960s chemical technology because this is still the state of the art in the field ’ .
19 I wonder , if I got it right and I remember it correctly , whether that 's still the view ?
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