Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Those who are mentally alert may not find it easy or pleasant to take help from the very ones they have supported and cared for over the years .
2 ( b ) Alternative accommodation for alleged abusers Where a child is suffering or likely to suffer ill-treatment within the home and the alleged abuser proposes to move from the premises , a local authority may assist him to obtain alternative accommodation ( Sched 2 , para 5 ) .
3 It may also not have been the least of Ælfheah 's attractions to the people of London , heavily taxed in 1018 , that he was murdered for being unable or unwilling to give money to the Danes ; nor need it have made Cnut 's position any easier that King Æthelred , too , lay buried in St Paul 's .
4 In the late twentieth century artists working in performance pose difficulties for the critic , though some observers find it refreshing rather than troublesome to consider work beyond the easel picture and the individual sculpture .
5 Retired Rossendale headmaster Robin Martin 's book although aimed at and from a predominantly ‘ hiker and leisure ’ publishing company , contains more than enough to demand space on the active light railway enthusiast 's bookshelf .
6 It is worth noting that the beneficiaries would not be the members of the developed world : ‘ If we stopped feeding animals on grains , soybeans and fishmeal the amount of food saved would — if distributed to those who need it — be more than enough to end hunger throughout the world ’ ( 1979 : 160 ) .
7 Unlike the leaders of the other three ‘ independent ’ homelands — all toadies of Pretoria — he is more than ready to pour scorn on the fundamental fraudulence of the nation he purportedly leads .
8 As basses gain more strings and bassists push playing horizons further and further apart , Hartke 's technology is better placed than most to take advantage of the situation , especially as they reinforce this tonal definition with their use of smaller drivers .
9 The repeal of the scheme was therefore intended , first and foremost to increase competition in the industry , both between scheme ports themselves and between scheme and non-scheme ports such as Felixstowe and Dover .
10 The duties of seller and buyer under an open sale contract are " concurrent conditions " so that , if the contract is silent , " the seller must be ready and willing to give possession of the goods to the buyer in exchange for the price , and the buyer must be ready and willing to pay the price in exchange for possession of the goods " ( SGA 1979 , s28 ) .
11 A new breed of archaeologist is emerging — more open-minded and willing to see significance in the detail of the countryside which is slowly disappearing .
12 An expired writ which has not been served creates such a fundamental defect in procedure that the court 's wide powers under Ord 2 , rr1 and 2 to cure non-compliance with the rules will not be exercised to treat it as valid for service or substituted service ( Bernstein v Jackson [ 1982 ] 2 All ER 806 ) .
13 The monumental Portland Building rose in the early 1950s and teaching and residential accommodation space grew rapidly in the 1960s and 70s to keep pace with the growing demand for university places .
14 Nevertheless , a cynic could be forgiven for finding the penal crisis uncannily reminiscent of the supposed ‘ crisis of capitalism ’ , which some Marxists were once ever assuring us was real , severe , ever-worsening and likely to prove terminal in the near future .
15 Hair was cut short into the neck and layered to add texture to the crown by Umberto Giannini
16 Taking off from Gransden 's westerly runway , we turn east and downwind to parallel part of the B1046 ( A ) before crossing Ermine Street , now the A14 ( Royston Godmanchester stretch ) .
17 Within that culture the precise reason for the Nottinghamshire miners deciding not to strike remains a matter of contention for further study — were they simply self-interested and unprepared to show solidarity with the miners of other fields ? ; were they so concerned for solidarity within the union that they would not strike unless its rules ( Rule 43 in particular ) were upheld ? ; or what ?
18 British military reaction had been too slow and ponderous to command respect in the politico-military environment of the post-war world .
19 The gap arose due to a drive by the Italian government in the 1960s and 1970s to spread industrialisation to the south of the country , concentrating on bulk chemicals .
20 Where liability for negligence is excluded by a notice , the reasonableness of the exclusion depends on whether it would be fair and reasonable to allow reliance on the notice having regard to the circumstances existing at the time liability arose , or would have arisen .
21 Secondly , under the 1973 Act the test was whether it was fair and reasonable to allow reliance upon the exemption clause , whereas under the 1977 Act the test is whether the clause was a fair and reasonable one to have been included in the contract .
22 But the categorisation of this procedure as arbitration is traditional and deeply rooted , and unlikely to take notice of the guidelines .
23 In his address to the party conference at Brighton , Mr Kinnock said Labour was now ready , eager and able to take power from the Conservatives at the next election , and his confidence won him one of the most prolonged and enthusiastic ovations received by a Labour leader for many years .
24 With their teams of lawyers , accountants and company agents , and able to transfer money at the push of a computer button , the launderers dodge through the maze of the different countries ' jurisdictions creating a trail so complex that investigators , never mind the banks , find it almost impossible to spot what is going on .
25 In this case , BCCI argued that it was not open to Fashions and Wholesale to take advantage of the set-off effect as between BCCI and Mr Sawar .
26 On imprisonment and so-called amnesties , it is illegal and irresponsible to withhold payment of the community charge .
27 is an input parameter specifying the module name and and password ( if necessary to gain access to the module ) .
28 They were ‘ to make Arsenal Football Club one of the best football clubs from all points of view ’ and to ‘ employ , without exception , the very best type of player to represent the club … above all , he must be a gentleman both on and off the field ; he must be a clever player , who can think out attractive , constructive tactics ; and he must be wholeheartedly enthusiastic and keen to make progress in the game . ’
29 After two days or so of ice-breaking we have found them all pleasant and cooperative , and eager to take advantage of the books , etc. that we have brought .
30 While it takes ingenuity and careful thought it is possible and productive to use drama at the centre of the curriculum , rather than as an occasional extra .
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