Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 W. G. Collingwood describes one of these men Balthazar Puchberger , ( altered in course of time to Puthparker ) whose shaggy or tousled head earned him the nickname of Towsie .
2 He was running short of petrol and that route offered him the chance to capture replenishments along the way .
3 The Jack Berry-trained sprinter is unbeaten in five visits to Town Moor and this success earned him a 7lb penalty for the Ayr Gold Cup which takes his weight to 8st 12lbs .
4 Down 's handsome appearance , high principles , and genial manner won him a powerful influence over his patients and the real affection of his colleagues .
5 And personal poetry gave him the icks He could n't
6 ‘ His natural Scottish wit , direct , authoritative , entertaining approach and instant awareness make him a TV natural . ’
7 His hairstyle , baggy clothes and non-comformist attitude made him a rebel without a cause , a punk whose greatest claim to fame was his ability to drive a golf ball further than the average par four .
8 Dr Leitch was a tonic himself , his bright eyes and Australian manner made him a favourite with nurses and children .
9 There , his quick and brilliant mind gained him a degree in electrical engineering and a well defined career path with the Texas Instruments and Teledyne Geotech companies , with whom he was to make his not inconsiderable input to NASA 's Apollo Space Programme .
10 His 6ft 7in frame and deep voice made him a naturally funny man .
11 His academic background in mechanical and electrical engineering gives him a sound grasp of a broad range of scientific disciplines .
12 Only Waylon Jennings wears a cowboy hat , but Willie Nelson 's bandana and grey pony-tail make him an obvious Indian scout , Johnny Cash wears the frock-coat of a gambler and Kris Kristofferson 's cut-off T-shirt suggests his pardners will be calling him ‘ Junior ’ well into his sixties .
13 Dublin 's goals and aggressive style made him a target for several top clubs .
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